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Dialogmuseum Frankfurt, Germany: Neues Hörstück Curiosity Gap für die Reihe “Out of Sight – neue Klangkunst im Dialogmuseum”. Werke von Matter of Facts, Untere Reklamationsbehörde, Marc Behrens, Lasse-Marc Riek. Koproduktion von Hannes Seidl & Briefkastenfirma und Dialogmuseum Frankfurt. ––– New listening piece Curiosity Gap for the event series “Out of Sight”. Works by Matter of Facts, Untere Reklamationsbehörde, Marc Behrens, Lasse-Marc Riek. Co-production by Hannes Seidl & Briefkastenfirma and Dialogmuseum Frankfurt. ––– Dialogmuseum, An der Hauptwache, B-Ebene, Passage 10 (Eingang Roßmarkt), 60313 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Tickets (Eintritt frei, aber Reservierung erforderlich ––– free entrance, but reservation necessary)
18:00–21:00 MEZ/CET

16:00–21:00 MEZ/CET

Zusatztermine, vor Ort buchbar/additional dates, book on site:
07.11.2024, 18:00/19:00 MEZ/CET
05.12.2024, 18:00/19:00 MEZ/CET
11.01.2025, 18:00/19:00 MEZ/CET

Fifteen Minutes of Anomymity, USA: L’anti-Narcisse, neues Mini-Album für die “FMOA Audio Postcard Series”, kuratiert von Thomas Bey William Bailey. ––– L’anti-Narcisse, new mini-album for the “FMOA Audio Postcard Series”. Curated by Thomas Bey William Bailey.
find more info & get L’anti-Narcisse @TBWB Bandcamp
06. September 2024
Crónica, Portugal: Neues Album (CD/digital) bei Crónica: Der elektroakustische Musikzyklus Clould und seine Präambel Aiear bestehen zusammen aus 95 Minuten Musik, fünf Microstories, dem Libretto des fünften Satzes, einer Reihe von Luftaufnahmen und Texttafeln sowie einem Aufführungskonzept mit den ersten drei Sätzen. Dieses Album enthält die kompletten fünf Sätze von Clould, die zwischen 2011 und 2023 entstanden sind. ––– New album (CD/digital) on Crónica: The Clould cycle of electroacoustic music pieces and its preamble Aiear together consist of 95 minutes of music, five microstories, the libretto for its fifth movement, a number of aerial photographs and text charts, and a performance concept including the first three movements. This album features the complete five movements of Clould, composed between 2011 and 2023.
get Clould @Crónica Bandcamp
Hört die Listening Party mit Crónica und mir am 24. Juni um 18h WEZ (19h MEZ). ––– Join Crónica and myself for a listening party, on 24. June at 18h WET (19h CET).
listening party: 24.06.2025, 18:00 WET/19:00 CET
Athens, Greece – Stellage and Orila present: Konzert ––– Concert: Marc Behrens, Sissi Rada, Viki Steiri, Will Laut, Yannis Iasonidis (DJ) ––– Romantso (terrace), Anaxagora 3, Athens, free entrance.
Stellage @Instagram

20:00–24:00 h

AtomTM Audio Archive: Future Nights EP by Atom™ ––– Musik und Video Veröffentlichung von Atom™, erhältlich auf allen digitalen Plattformen. Video-Postproduktion: Marc Behrens. ––– Music and video release by Atom™, available on all digital platforms. Video post production: Marc Behrens.
Audio/video @AAA Bandcamp
Video @YouTube


Herz Jesu, Frankfurt a. M., Germany: Meine Komposition The Unfant Terrible wird beim HörBar-Wochenende in Herz Jesu aufgeführt (Programm: Akusmatische Musik II). ––– My music piece The Unfant Terrible will be presented at HörBar-Wochenende in Herz Jesu (section: Akusmatische Musik II). ––– Herz Jesu, Mathildenstr. 30, 60599 Frankfurt am Main (Oberrad), Germany.
Festival program
Akusmatische Musik II: 11:30 MEZ/CET

framework radio: Werke von ––– Works by: Pablo Diserens, Furchick, France Jobin + Yamil Rezc, Marc Behrens, sounds from the Aporee maps.
framework #892 podcast
framework #892 @Patreon
framework #892 @other independent radio stations

23:00 WET and continuing online

Crónica, Portugal: Meine neue digitale Single Aiear, Präambel zum Zyklus Clould (2011–2023), ist bei Crónica erschienen. Die fünf Sätze des Zyklus folgen im Juni als Album Clould (CD/digital). Zusammen mit Aiear umfassen sie 95 Minuten Musik. ––– My new digital single Aiear, the preamble to the Clould cycle (2011–2023), is released by the Crónica label. The cycle’s five movements will follow in June on the album Clould (CD/digital). Together with Aiear they comprise 95 minutes of music.
get Aiear @Crónica Bandcamp
Soundwave, Synecdoche: Dieser neue Podcast für Soundwave mit Musikstücken aus verschiedenen Phasen meiner Arbeit zwischen 1989 und 2015 enthält bisher unveröffentlichtes Material aus meinem Archiv, das noch nie öffentlich gespielt wurde. ––– This new Podcast for Soundwave features music pieces from different periods of my work between 1989 and 2015, and includes some unreleased material from my archive, never before played publicly.
Soundwave podcast 187
*10 Years* Availabel: Neue Musikveröffentlichung auf Availabel: Our Tongues in Your Ears, Auftragswerk für den Hessischen Rundfunk (2018) mit den Klängen von gärendem Wein. ––– New music release on Availabel: Our Tongues in Your Ears, a commissioned work for the Hessian Broadcasting Company (Radio Frankfurt, 2018) with the sounds of fermenting wine.

Two-Headed Snake: A Szellem Álma, eine Kollaboration von Francisco López und Marc Behrens (2004) erscheint als remasterte digitale Wiederveröffentlichung. ––– A Szellem Álma, a collaboration between Francisco López and Marc Behrens, is re-released in digital and remastered format.
Francisco López

Neural/Crónica: Meine kurze Glissando-Studie Flexrules of 9 and 18 ist eines von 30 9-sekündigen Musikstücken auf der Schallfolie “30+20: 30 Artists Celebrate 30 Years of Neural + 20 of Crónica”, entahlten in der Ausgabe 74 des Medienkunstmagazins Neural. ––– My short glissando study Flexrules of 9 and 18, is one of the 30 9-second music pieces on the flexi disc “30 Artists Celebrate 30 Years of Neural + 20 of Crónica”, included in issue 74 Autumn 2023, of the media art magazine Neural.
Neural 74
Crónica 210~2023
March 2024

Topographie de l’art, Paris, France: Anläßlich der Ausstellung Les Formes du temps findet ein Gespräch über die philosophischen Vorstellungen von Zeit zwischen Xavier Pavie (Philosoph), Domitille d’Orgeval (Kunsthistorikerin) und den Künstlern Damien Bénéteau, Dimitri Mallet, Eric Michel, Thomas Paquet, Félicie dEstienne dOrves und Vera Röhm statt. Danach Konzert von Marc Behrens mit UUL*, einem Musikstück für elektronische Klangerzeuger, Steuereinheiten und Licht. »UUL*« steht für »Unknown Untranslatable Landscape« und bezieht sich auf die komplexen nonverbalen Gedankenvorstellungen einer Person, die anderen Personen sprachlich nicht vermittelbar sind. Das können psychedelische Halluzinationen, spirituelle Erfahrungen oder psychopathologische Zustände sein. ––– As part of the exhibition Les Formes du temps, a discussion on philosophical conceptions of time is being organised between Xavier Pavie (philosopher), Domitille d’Orgeval (art historian) and artists Damien Bénéteau, Dimitri Mallet, Eric Michel, Thomas Paquet, Félicie d’Estienne d’Orves and Vera Röhm. Afterwards concert with Marc Behrens mit UUL*, a music piece for electronic sound generators, control units and light. UUL* stands for “Unknown Untranslatable Landscape” and refers to the complex non-verbal mental images of a person that cannot be communicated to others through language. These might be psychedelic hallucinations, spiritual experiences or psychopathological states. ––– Topographie de l’art, 15 rue de Thorigny, 75003 Paris, France.
Espace Topographie de l’art
Gespräch/discussion: 16:30–18:00 MEZ/CET
Konzert/concert Marc Behrens: 18:30 MEZ/CET

Edition DEGEM: Seit 2011 gestalte ich die Reihe DEGEM CD der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Elektroakustische Musik. Jetzt erscheint die USB-Stick-Sonderedition DEGEM FH 80 Allegro Praestat, kuratiert von Folkmar Hein, an seinem 80. Geburtstag. Die Gestaltung konzentriert sich auf Abbildungen von Keramik aus seiner Sammlung. Die beinhalteten Werke wurden in der Zeit 1994–2023 von Folkmar Hein in Auftrag gegeben, beim von ihm initiierten Thomas-Seelig-Fixed-Media-Preis ausgezeichnet, oder sind zu seinem 65th Geburtstag 2009 entstanden. 93 Stück auf USB-stick, fast 6 hours Spieldauer, 40-seitiges Booklet. Im Dezember 2023 erschien außerdem die DEGEM CD 23 Listening Machines – Ecological Perspectives, kuratiert von Nicola L. Hein. –––

––– Since 2011 I am designing the DEGEM CD series by the German Association of Electroacoustic Music. The special edition USB-stick DEGEM FH 80 Allegro Praestat, curated by Folkmar Hein, is released on his 80th birthday. The design focuses on images of ceramic objects from his collection. The works featured from the period 1994–2023 were commissioned by Folkmar Hein, pieces awarded the Thomas-Seelig-Fixed-Media-Award initiated by him, or works produced for his 65th birthday in 2009. 93 tracks on USB-stick, almost 6 hours playing time, 40 pp booklet. Also, in December 2023, the DEGEM CD 23 Listening Machines – Ecological Perspectives, was released, curated by Nicola L. Hein.
Edition DEGEM @aufabwegen mailorder
*10 Years* Availabel: Neue digitale Musikveröffentlichungen auf Availabel: Meine neuen Alben Nachtsprache und Unit, die Aufnahme einer Klanginstallation, vormals von and/OAR (USA) auf CD veröffentlicht. Der Download von Unit über Bandcamp beinhaltet eine pdf-Version des Buches Cutting Qinghai, ein fotografischer Bericht einer Reise in die chinesische Provinz Qinghai province (tibetische Region Amdo).
Nachtsprache (2021) ist ein Hörstück mit und über Träume als Auftragswerk für den Hessischen Rundfunk. Der Titel ist dem Vortrag »Der Traum ist die Sprache des universalen Menschen« (1971) des Psychoanalytikers, Soziologen und Philosophen Erich Fromm entlehnt. Teile des Stückes wurden tatsächlich in Traum- und hypnagogen Zuständen konzipiert.

––– New digital music releases on Availabel: My new albums Nachtsprache, and Unit, the recording of a sound installation that was previously released on CD by and/OAR (USA). The download of Unit via Bandcamp includes a pdf version of the book Cutting Qinghai, a photographic travel report of a journey to the Chinese Qinghai province (Tibetan culture region of Amdo).
(“Night Tongue”, 2021) is a radio piece with and about dreams in German language, a commissioned work for the Hessian Broadcasting Company (Radio Frankfurt). The title is borrowed from the lecture “Der Traum ist die Sprache des universalen Menschen” (1971) by the psychoanalyst, sociologist and philosopher Erich Fromm. Parts of the piece were actually conceived in dream and hypnagogic states.

listen/download ala019 “Unit”
listen/download ala020 “Nachtsprache”

Musikhochschule Lübeck, Germany: Meine Komposition The Unfant Terrible wird beim DEGEM-Jahreskonzert aufgeführt neben Musikstücken von Natasha Barrett, Malte Giesen, Tobias Hagedorn und anderen. ––– My music piece The Unfant Terrible will be presented at the DEGEM’s yearly concert alongside music pieces by Natasha Barrett, Malte Giesen, Tobias Hagedorn and others. ––– Musikhochschule Lübeck, Große Petersgrube 21, 23552 Lübeck, Germany.
DEGEM Veranstaltungen/events
20:00 MEZ/MET

Atelierhaus B71, Offenbach a. M., Germany: Das Projekt Synæthesis von Marc Behrens, Raphaël Languillat und Betty Montarou: Synergie, Synthese, Synästhesie, Sensorik und Fermentation, elektroakustische Musik und Substanzen. Ein Konzert mit Aromaerlebnissen. Teil einer Veranstaltungsreihe zum 25-jährigen Bestehen des Atelierhauses B71. ––– The Synæthesis project by Marc Behrens, Raphaël Languillat und Betty Montarou: Synergy, synthesis, synesthesia, sensor technology and fermentation, electroacoustic music and substances. A concert with aroma experiences. Part of an event series celebrating 25 years of the B71 artist’s house. ––– Atelierhaus B71, Bettinastr. 71–73 HH, 63067 Offenbach am Main, Germany.
25J B71
20:00 MEZ/MET


Availabel: Die Publikation Feedback Lumen Echo von Horst Turner, Hans-Leo Rohleder und Marc Behrens ist bei Availabel erschienen. 50 Seiten, 21 x 26 cm, 4-farbiger Druck und Risodruck im Wechsel, mit 11 Einklebebilder, limitiert auf 75 Exemplare. Texte von: Marc Behrens, Christine Biehler, Óscar Faria und Luis Jacinto, Dr. Roland Held, Hans-Leo Rohleder, Horst Turner. Gefördert vom Darmstädter Förderkreis Kultur e. V., den HEAG-Kulturfreunden, der Merck’schen Gesellschaft für Kunst und Wissenschaft e. V. sowie unterstützt von Darmstadt KulturStärken e. V. – mit Volkmar Hoppe. ––– The book Feedback Lumen Echo by Horst Turner, Hans-Leo Rohleder and Marc Behrens was published by Availabel. 50 pages, 21 x 26 cm, changing between full colour and riso print, including 11 stickers, limited to 75 copies. Texts by: Marc Behrens, Christine Biehler, Óscar Faria and Luis Jacinto, Dr. Roland Held, Hans-Leo Rohleder, Horst Turner. Funded by Darmstädter Förderkreis Kultur e. V., HEAG-Kulturfreunde, Merck’schen Gesellschaft für Kunst und Wissenschaft e. V. and supported by Darmstadt KulturStärken e. V. – with Volkmar Hoppe. –––
Erhältlich auf Anfrage und hier/available on request, and here.
December 2023

KunstKulturKirche Allerheiligen, Frankfurt a. M., Germany: Meine Komposition The Unfant Terrible wird beim Jubiläumskonzert 20 Jahre fgnm (Programm: Nachtkonzert mit Tonband Sessions) zusammen mit Stücken von Jan Jacob Hofmann und Rolf Riehm aufgeführt. ––– My music piece The Unfant Terrible will be presented at the anniversary concert 20 Years fgnm (section: Nachtkonzert mit Tonband Sessions) along with pieces by Jan Jacob Hofmann and Rolf Riehm. ––– KunstKulturkirche, Thüringer Straße 35, 60316 Frankfurt am Main.
Festival program
ab/from 18:00 MEZ/MET
22:30 MEZ/MET Nachtkonzert mit Tonband Sessions

Fenstergalerie Will, Darmstadt, Germany: Ausstellung Feedback Lumen Echo mit Werken von Horst Turner, Hans-Leo Rohleder und Marc Behrens. Skulptur, Fotografie, Video, Copy-Art, Mail-Art. Zusammengestellt von Volkmar Hoppe und Marc Behrens. ––– Exhibition Feedback Lumen Echo with works by Horst Turner, Hans-Leo Rohleder und Marc Behrens. Sculpture, photography, video, Copy-Art, Mail-Art. Compiled by Volkmar Hoppe and Marc Behrens. ––– Gefördert/funded by Darmstädter Förderkreis Kultur e. V., HEAG-Kulturfreunde, Merck’sche Gesellschaft für Kunst und Wissenschaft e. V. ––– Fenstergalerie Will, Dieburger Str. 56, 64387 Darmstadt, Germany.
Facebook Event
15.09. – 08.10.2023
Fr 17:00–19:00 MEZ/MET
15:00–18:00 MEZ/MET
Vernissage/opening 15.09.2023, 19:00 MEZ/MET

Progress Progress Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Germany: Die Dinge des Lebens – Ein Sommer mit Hörspielen und Dokus – Woche 7: Familie: Progress, Hörspiel, 52 Minuten, Sendung am 18. August 2023, 0.05 Uhr auf Deutschlandfunk Kultur, produziert von Deutschlandradio Kultur 2013 ---- The Things of Life – A Summer of Radio Plays and Docs – Week 7: Family: Progress, radio play, 52 minutes, broadcast on 18. August 2023, 0.05 h at Deutschlandfunk Kultur, produced by Deutschlandradio Kultur 2013

Progress ist ein Hörspiel, das die Familiengeschichte des Künstlers seit 1869, die Zeit- und die Technologiegeschichte erforscht. Die Zeitschichten durchdringen und überlagern sich, psychomagische Rituale legen verschüttete Bedeutungen und Ereignisse frei. Sendung in deutscher Sprache. ---- Progress is a radio play probing into the artist’s own family history since 1869, as well as into contemporary and technological history. The strata of time interpenetrate and overlap, psychomagic rituals uncover buried meanings and events. Broadcast in German language.
Info: Deutschlandfunk Kultur/Hörspiel und Feature/Verschüttete Vergangenheit – Progress.
00:05 MEZ/MET

Festival Formations of Power – Performing Democracy, Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Komposition, Sounddesign, Performance für das Projekt After Democracy von andpartnersincrime, das auf der virtuellen Performance Nach dem Ende der Versammlung: Das Parlament basiert. ---- Composition, sound design and performance for the project After Democracy by andpartnersincrime based on the virtual performance Nach dem Ende der Versammlung: Das Parlament ---- by ---- von andpartnersincrime. Kooperation mit ---- in cooperation with mañana bold. ---- Town hall/Rathaus Römer, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Information --- Tickets
28.07.2023, 15:30 MEZ/MET
29.07.2023, 12:00 & 15:30 MEZ/MET
30.07.2023, 12:00 & 15:30 MEZ/MET

Progress Progress ProgressKunstverein Familie Montez, Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Melina Hepps Talkshow Melli redet mit, diesmal mit den Gästen Lisa und Jana Peil, Anton und Paul Benkel und Marc Behrens. ---- Melina Hepp’s Talkshow Melli redet mit, this time with guests Lisa and Jana Peil, Anton and Paul Benkel, and Marc Behrens. ---- Fotos/photos: Salar Baygan. ---- Kunstverein Familie Montez, Honsellbrücke am Hafenpark, Honsellstraße 7, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Melina Hepp
20:00 MEZ/MET

ProgressAtelier Orbit24, Frankfurt am Main, Germany: CD-Release von Hannes Seidls Album Befreit die Maschinen, gestaltet von Marc Behrens, veröffentlicht bei Gruenrekorder. Konzert mit Hannes Seidl & Marc Behrens. Parallel dazu … und wir im Raum, Ausstellung mit Werken von DeDe Handon, Jana Hartmann, Jutta Heun, Nadja Milenkovic, Eva Weingärtner. ---- CD release of Hannes Seidl’s album Befreit die Maschinen, designed by Marc Behrens, released by Gruenrekorder. Concert with Hannes Seidl & Marc Behrens. In parallel: exhibition … und wir im Raum, with works by DeDe Handon, Jana Hartmann, Jutta Heun, Nadja Milenkovic, Eva Weingärtner. ---- Atelier Orbit24, Orber Straße 24, 60386 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Hannes Seidl
open 19:30 MEZ/MET
concert 20:30
Villa Gründergeist, Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Musik und Sounddesign für Spuren aus Zeit – Die Villa im Gärtnerweg von profikollektion. Eröffnung der permanenten Audio-Installation. ---- Music and sound design for Spuren aus Zeit – Die Villa im Gärtnerweg by profikollektion. Opening of the permanent audio installation. ---- Villa Gründergeist, Gärtnerweg 62, 60322 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
08.05.2023, 19:00 MEZ/MET Grand opening
Kunstansichten 2023, Atelierhaus B71, Offenbach am Main, Germany: Ausstellung Traps/New Evidence von Marc Behrens und Peter Voigt. Voigt sammelt historische Originalfotografien aus Forschungslabors, Regierungsbehörden und Pressearchiven zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Atombombe und der frühen Raketentechnologie. In der Reihe New Evidence werden Dokumentarfotografien von seltsamen Versuchs und Laboraufbauten gezeigt. Behrens Traps erinnern an traditionelle Geisterfallen und Traumfänger oder an technische Vorrichtungen wie zylindrische Bassfallen, die zur Vermeidung von tiefen Resonanzfrequenzen in Tonstudios benutzt werden. ---- Exhibition Traps/New Evidence by Marc Behrens and Peter Voigt. Voigt collects original historical photographs from research laboratories, government agencies and press archives on the history of the development of the atomic bomb and early rocket technology. The New Evidence series shows documentary photographs of strange experiments and laboratory set-ups. Behrens’ Traps are reminiscent of traditional ghost traps and dream catchers or technical devices such as cylindrical bass traps used to avoid low resonant frequencies in sound studios. ---- Atelierhaus B71, Bettinastr. 71–73 HH, 63067 Offenbach am Main, Germany.
Offenbacher Kunstansichten 2023
05.05.2023, 19:30–22:00 MEZ/MET Vernissage/opening
06.05.2023, 16:00–22:00 MEZ/MET
07.05.2023, 13:00–19:00 MEZ/MET

Festival Politik im Freien Theater, Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Komposition, Sounddesign, Performance für das Projekt ---- composition, sound design and performance for the project Nach dem Ende der Versammlung: Das Parlament by ---- von andpartnersincrime. Kooperation mit ---- in cooperation with Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm, Historisches Museum Frankfurt.
Information ---- Tickets
01.–02. October 2022
01. October 2022, 18:00 MEZ/MET
02. October 2022, 12:00 MEZ/MET + Publikumsgespräch ---- talk
02. October 2022, 20:00 MEZ/MET

Der Mixer, Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Ausstellung Mask Behrens. Das Projekt und der gleichnamige, 2021 beim KANN-Verlag (Frankfurt am Main) erschienene Katalog wurden gefördert durch die Hessische Kulturstiftung im Rahmen des Kulturförderprogramms „Hessen kulturell neu eröffnen“. ---- Exhibition Mask Behrens. The project and the catalogue of the same name, published by KANN-Verlag (Frankfurt am Main) in 2021, were funded within the framework of the cultural promotion programme “Hessen kulturell neu eröffnen” by Hessische Kulturstiftung. ---- Der Mixer Frankfurt, Fahrgasse 22, 60311 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Mask Behrens
Event Info
09. September – 15. October 2022

Saisonstart 09. September 2022, 18:00–22:00 MEZ/MET
Saisonstart 10.–11. September 2022 , 12:00–18:00 MEZ/MET

Freitag/Friday 16:00–18:00 MEZ/MET
Samstag/Saturday 12:00–16:00 MEZ/MET

Finissage 15. October 2022

Alte Seilerei, Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Filmvorführung des Making Of der „Klangkunst in Industriekultur 2021“, ein Film von Otmar Hitzelberger. Meine audiovisuelle Installation Imperfect Partners, die 2021 im Kunstkeller des Weinguts Georg Müller Stiftung, Eltville am Rhein, gezeigt wurde, ist Teil des Films. Eine Kooperation des Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain und der KulturRegion FrankfurtRheinMain. ---- Movie screening of the making-of of „Klangkunst in Industriekultur 2021“, a movie by Otmar Hitzelberger. My audiovisual installation Imperfect Partners, which was presented in 2021 at Weingut Georg Müller Stiftung, Eltville am Rhein, Germany, is part of the movie. A cooperation by Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain and KulturRegion FrankfurtRheinMain. ---- Alte Seilerei, Offenbacher Landstraße 190, 60599 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Imperfect Partners
Event Info
08. September 2022, 19:30 MEZ/MET

Frankfurter Sport & Kunst Kasino, Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Die künstliche Miniaturinsel Five Star Climate Killer Retreat entsteht als Teil der «Argobay» des Frankfurter Sport & Kunst Kasinos an der Jahrhunderthalle Frankfurt, Pfaffenwiese 301, 65929 Frankfurt am Main. ---- The artificial miniature island Five Star Climate Killer Retreat will emerge as part of «Argobay» by the Frankfurter Sport & Kunst Kasino at Jahrhunderthalle Frankfurt, Pfaffenwiese 301, 65929 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. S-Bahn Frankfurt (Main) Farbwerke.
Argobay-Logo gestaltet in Kollaboration mit Annette Gloser. ---- Argobay logo designed in collaboration with Annette Gloser.
06.–21. August 2022

06.–07. August, 15:00 MEZ/MET
«Argobay» & «Aquadrome» mit/with Martin Markeli
11. August, 18:00 MEZ/MET «Argobay»
14. August, 14:00 MEZ/MET «Argobay»
15. August, 17:00 MEZ/MET «Argobay»
18. August, 18:00 MEZ/MET «Argobay»
21. August, 14:00 MEZ/MET «Argobay»

Leverkusen, Germany: Konzert und Lesung ---- concert and reading ---- @ Struppig Droehnen! ---- außerdem dabei ---- also with: Denise Ritter, Frans de Waard, N, Buck Moon ---- Kulturausbesserungswerk Opladen, Kolberger Str. 95a, 51381 Leverkusen, Germany. Mehr info ---- more info.
03. December 2021
19:00 MEZ/MET

Fallen Star (Above): New video for my song Fallen Star (Above). Cinematography by Carlo Kurth. Realized with a grant from Hessische Kulturstiftung. From the album Breaking the Elephant’s Legs (2020) co-released as 12“ vinyl by Entr’acte and Stellage, digital release by Availabel.
auf YouTube ansehen ---- view on Youtube

Philoosophy: New video for my song Philoosophy. With Portuguese master musician Carlos Zingaro on violin. Stage recordings made at Passos Manuel, Porto, Portugal by Patricia Barbosa and Sofia Ponte. Forest recordings made in Darmstadt, Germany. Realized with a grant from Hessische Kulturstiftung. From the album Breaking the Elephant’s Legs (2020) co-released as 12“ vinyl by Entr’acte and Stellage, digital release by Availabel.
auf YouTube ansehen ---- view on Youtube

MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre, Helsinki, Finland: Teilnahme an der Künstler-Buchmesse BOOKED ---- participating in the artists’ book fair BOOKED.
MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre, Cable factory/Konttori, Helsinki, Finland.
mehr Information ---- more info @ MUU.
01.–09. October 2021

Atelierhaus LEW 1, Darmstadt, Germany: UUL (Unknown Untranslatable Landscape), ein «Walkthrough»-Konzert von Marc Behrens ---- a «walkthrough» concert by Marc Behrens.
Atelierhaus LEW 1, Ludwig-Engel-Weg 1, Neue Künstlerkolonie Rosenhöhe, Darmstadt, Germany.
mehr Information ---- more info: Kultur einer Digitalstadt.
14. September 2021
19:00 MEZ/CET

Telekinett, USA: Notes on the Ludwig Van’s Average Consumption of Lead Acetate Before It Drops Into a Beethoven Sized Hole ist ein 2-stündiges elektroakustisches Musikstück von Marc Behrens und einer von 12 Teilen des 9 Beet Stretch 2.0 Projektes, das eine aus 24 Stunden gedehnte Version von Ludwig van Beethovens 9. Symphonie als Basismaterial nutzt. Veröffentlichung in 2021. Mit Carl Michael von Hausswolff, John Duncan, Adi Newton, Leif Inge und vielen anderen. ---- Notes on the Ludwig Van’s Average Consumption of Lead Acetate Before It Drops Into a Beethoven Sized Hole is a 2-hour electroacoustic music piece by Marc Behrens. It is one of 12 parts of the 9 Beet Stretch 2.0 project using a 24-hour stretched version of Ludwig van Beethoven’s 9th Symphony as basic material. To be released in 2021. Featuring Carl Michael von Hausswolff, John Duncan, Adi Newton, Leif Inge, and many more.
project website
July 2021

Darmstadt, Germany: Touching Sounds, ein Projekt der DEGEM (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektroakustische Musik e. V.) bei den Darmstädter Ferienkursen 2021, vom Internationalen Musikinstitut Darmstadt (IMD) organisiert. 17 elektroakustische Klang- und Musikstücke als ortsspezifische Hörsituationen an 14 Orten in Darmstadt. Kuratiert von Kirsten Reese and Marc Behrens. ---- Touching Sounds, a project by DEGEM (German Society for Electroacoustic Music) at the Darmstadt Summer Course 2021, organized by Internationales Musikinstitut Darmstadt (IMD). 17 electroacoustic sound and music pieces as site-specific listening situations at 14 locations in Darmstadt. Curated by Kirsten Reese and Marc Behrens.
project website
Hören on demand bis ---- listen on demand until 31. December 2021
Hören --- listen

31. July – 11. August 2021

Kunstkeller des Weinguts Georg Müller Stiftung, Eltville/Hattenheim, Germany: Audiovisuelle Installation Imperfect Partners, die sich mit dem für europäische Weinkeller typischen Kellerpilz beschäftigt. Klänge von Weingärung, computergesteuerte Perkussion, Textfragmente und Videoaufnahmen des Pilzes bilden ein mehrschichtiges Kunstwerk. Teil des Programms «Klangkunst in Industriekultur» während der «Tage der Industriekultur». Eine Kooperation des Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain und der KulturRegion FrankfurtRheinMain. ---- Audiovisual installation Imperfect Partners, dealing with the Zasmidium cellare fungus, which is typical for European wine cellars. The sound of wine fermentation, computer controlled percussion, spoken word and video footage of the fungus create a multi-layered artwork. Part of the «Klangkunst in Industriekultur« program during the «Tage der Industriekultur» regional showcase. A cooperation by Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain and KulturRegion FrankfurtRheinMain. ---- Weingut Georg Müller Stiftung, Eberbacher Str. 7–9 (Navigation: Hinterhausenstr.), 65347 Eltville am Rhein, Germany.
Klangkunst in Industriekultur
Kunstkeller des Weinguts Georg Müller Stiftung
verlängert bis ---- extended until 16. September 2021
open Mo–Fr 9:00–17:00 MET/CET
Sa nach Vereinbarung ---- Sat on appointment

21.– 29. August 2021
Vernissage ---- opening 22. August 2021, 16:00 MEZ/CET
open 11:00–18:00 MEZ/CET
Montag geschlossen ---- closed on Monday

Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Radio EOS, Tonfunktion – Festival für Gebrauchsmusik, Germany: Felix Kubin lud mich ein, ein bescheidenen Audiobeitrag (The Unfant Terrible Forzato) für sein Radiostück «Muzak Forzato» hochzuladen. ---- Felix Kubin kindly invited me to upload a humble audio contribution (The Unfant Terrible Forzato) to his radio piece «Muzak Forzato». ---- Done & Danke.
Info here.
10. Juni/June 2021
20:00 MEZ/MET

Offenes Haus der Kulturen, Frankfurt am Main, Germany: [German only] das Stück «Horkheimers Geist» (2017) von profikollektion ist nun als Audiowalk Horkheimers Geist 3.0 abrufbar – über QR-Codes an der Fassade des Offenen Hauses der Kulturen oder über Direktlink. Fotos/Design/Produktion: Marc Behrens.

KANN-Verlag, Germany: Der Katalog Mask Behrens ist in Kürze beim KANN-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, erhältlich (52 Seiten, 24 x 31,5 cm). Eine limitierte Edition von 10 Exemplaren erscheint mit einem zertifizierten Originaldruck von Hot Mask 8198 (21 x 31 cm). Das Projekt wurde gefördert durch die Hessische Kulturstiftung. ---- The catalogue Mask Behrens will be available soon at KANN-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main (52 pages, 24 x 31,5 cm). A limited edition of 10 copies will be released with a certified original print of Hot Mask 8198 (21 x 31 cm). The project was funded by Hessische Kulturstiftung.

Juni/June 2021

Kunstraum Traube, Mühltal, Germany: Ausstellung Mask Behrens. Zur Ausstellung erscheint ein Katalog im KANN-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main. Das Projekt wurde gefördert durch die Hessische Kulturstiftung. ---- Exhibition Mask Behrens. A catalogue will be published by KANN-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main. The project was funded by Hessische Kulturstiftung. Kunstraum Traube, Niederramstädter Straße 28, 64367 Mühltal, Germany.
Öffnungszeiten Sa/So nach Vereinbarung und zu den jeweils gültigen Regelungen ---- opening times Sat/Sun on appointment and according to the respective regulations.
--- Verlängert bis 16. Juli ---
--- extended until 16. July ---
--- Finissage 16. Juli/July 2021 ---
--- mit Eva Weingärtner und Marc Behrens im Gespräch
--- Besuchstermin buchen Sa/So ---
--- book a visit Sat/Sun ---

17. April – 20. Juni/June 2021
opening 16. April 2021, 19:00 MEZ/MET (online)

MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre at Cable Factory, Helsinki, Finland: Die Fotografie Big Folder Mask (8036) wurde mit weiteren 64 Werken internationaler Künstler*innen für die Gruppenausstellung «Mirrored» ausgewählt ---- The photograph Big Folder Mask (8036) was selected with another 64 works from international artists for the group show «Mirrored».
Facebook event
10.–21. March 2021/06.–16. May 2021
hr2-kultur, «The Artist’s Corner», Germany: Ursendung des deutschsprachigen Hörstücks Nachtsprache, das auf Traumtagebüchern basiert ---- broadcast premiere of the radio piece Nachtsprache, based on dream diaries, in German ---- Redakteur/Editor: Stefan Fricke.
Information/hr2-kultur (German)
06. March 2021, 23:00 MEZ/MET
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Sound production, sound design and research for the project Nach dem Ende der Versammlung by andpartnersincrime.
I Die Akademie
(research project at ada_kantine, 28–29 August 2020)
II Das Parlament (online video lecture, 18–22 November 2020)
Event/ticketing information
Facebook events: 18 Nov - 19 Nov - 20 Nov - 21 Nov - 22 Nov
III Das Theater (film screening at DMT – Digitaler Mousonturm, 25–30 January 2021)
Event/ticketing information
Facebook event
In cooperation with Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt Historical Museum, and ada_kantine.
August 2020 – January 2021
I Die Akademie: 28–29 August 2020
II Das Parlament: 18–22 November 2020
III Das Theater: 25–30 January 2021

Edition DEGEM: Marc Behrens’ music piece Challenge Accepted is released on «DEGEM CD 18: 20_20», the annual compilation CD of the DEGEM (German Association of Electroacoustic Music), curated by Stefan Fricke, artwork and production by Marc Behrens.
order CD from: aufabwegen mailorder
November 2020
Cologne and Düsseldorf, Germany: Sound dramaturgy for the dance project Soundtracking the Stage by Özlem Alkış. Funded by Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste e.V., Kulturamt der Stadt Köln, Kunststiftung NRW. Coproduced by Tanzhaus NRW, Düsseldorf, Germany. Premiere: 23 October 2020 at TanzFaktur, Siegburger Str. 233 w, 50679 Cologne. Also showing at tanzhaus nrw, Erkrather Str. 30, 40233 Düsseldorf, Germany, in November 2020.
23/24 October 2020, 20:00 MET (TanzFaktur, Cologne)
25 October 2020, 18:00 MET (TanzFaktur, Cologne)
26/27/28 November 2020, 20:00 MET (tanzhaus nrw, Düsseldorf)

Madrid, Spain: Marc Behrens participates in the exhibition «Audiosphere: Sound Experimentation 1980–2020» with the piece Our Tongues in Your Ears [excerpt]. Curated by Francisco López. At Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Sabatini Building, Calle Santa Isabel, 52, 28012 Madrid, Spain.
14 October 2021 through 11 January 2021
opening 13 October 2020

Availabel: Marc Behrens 2009:2019 and Marc Behrens ≤2008 on Availabel. Hardcover catalogues of Marc Behrens’ art works until 2019, two volumes, 17 x 24 cm, 124 and 172 pages, each volume includes an A2 poster. The edition is produced in batches of 50 copies. When a batch is sold out, it will be reprinted. Funded by Hessische Kulturstiftung.
order a set of Marc Behrens 2009:2019 and Marc Behrens ≤2008 (English)
order Marc Behrens 2009:2019 (English)
order Marc Behrens ≤2008 (English)
order Marc Behrens 2009:2019 (German)
order Marc Behrens ≤2008 (German)
PLEASE NOTE: due to the Corona pandemic it is unfortunately impossible to ship items to some countries outside Europe. While economic shipments to the US are available again, any orders from Australia, for example, will be cancelled and refunded.
October 2020
Availabel: Die deutsche Ausgabe des zweibändigen Katalogs Marc Behrens 2009:2019 und Marc Behrens ≤2008 von Kunstwerken aus 30 Jahren ist nun bei Availabel erschienen. Jeder Band ist ein gebundenes Buch, 172 und 124 S. mit einem A2 poster als Einleger und einer Webpage mit Audiodateien. Eine englische Version ist für August 2020 geplant. Die Bücher können über Bandcamp bestellt werden.
order a set of Marc Behrens 2009:2019 and Marc Behrens ≤2008 (English)
order Marc Behrens 2009:2019 (English)
order Marc Behrens ≤2008 (English)
order Marc Behrens 2009:2019 (German)
order Marc Behrens ≤2008 (German)
Die Auflage wird in Chargen von 50 Exemplaren gedruckt. Wenn eine Charge ausverkauft ist, wird nachgedruckt. Gefördert durch die Hessische Kulturstiftung.
BITTE BEACHTEN SIE: Lächerlich hohe Zusatzgebühren wegen der Corona-Pandemie machen es leider unmöglich, Artikel in Länder außerhalb Europas zu senden. Hoffen wir, dass sich die Situation bald ändert.

The German edition of the two-volume catalogue Marc Behrens 2009:2019 and Marc Behrens ≤2008 of artworks spanning 30 years is now published by Availabel. Each volume is a hardcover book, 172 pp. and 124 pp. with an A2 poster insert and a web page containing audio files. An English edition is planned for August 2020. The books can be ordered via Bandcamp.
order Marc Behrens 2009:2019
order Marc Behrens ≤2008
The edition is produced in batches of 50 copies. When a batch is sold out, it will be reprinted. Funded by the Hessische Kulturstiftung.
PLEASE NOTE: due to the Corona pandemic ridiculously high extra fees make it unfortunately impossible to ship items to countries outside Europe in a reasonable way. Let’s hope this situation will change before too long.
July 2020
COVID POSTPONED Madrid, Spain: Marc Behrens participates in the exhibition «Audiosphere: Sound Experimentation 1980–2020 (renamed from: Social Experimental Audio, Pre- and Post-Internet)» with the piece Our Tongues in Your Ears [excerpt]. Curated by Francisco López. At Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Sabatini Building, Calle Santa Isabel, 52, 28012 Madrid, Spain.
May 26 through September 21, 2020
COVID POSTPONED Darmstadt, Germany: Marc Behrens live concert UUL and artist talk, at Neue Künstlerkolonie Darmstadt, Ludwig-Engel-Weg 1, Germany. Organized by Kultur einer Digitalstadt. Details tba.
July 07, 2020

Antwerp/Moscow/Availabel: Marc Behrens Breaking the Elephant’s Legs LP (E248) – Marc Behrens presents six extended surrealist songs ranging from psycho rock to dismantled R&B, crossing into doom jazz and spoken word. Animal field recordings; electronic boom and buzz; synths; detuned sitar; violins played by Portuguese master musician Carlos Zingaro. None of this is in any way what you would expect. Limited edition LP (200 copies) – Co-published by Entr’acte and Stellageavailable now after some delays due to the current world situation. The album is also available in digital format from Availabel via Bandcamp and selected digital distributors.
listen to a preview here
April 2020
COVID CANCELLED Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Marc Behrens live concert Breaking the Elephant’s Legs with dancer Rocio Marano and DJ Allon Kaye (Entr’acte). At Saasfee*pavillon, Bleichstr. 66 HH, 60313 Frankfurt am Main. Funded by the Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main and Musikfonds e.V. (with means by the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien). Details tba.
April 02, 2020
doors 20:00 CET
concert 21:00 CET

COVID CANCELLED Mannheim, Germany: Marc Behrens live concert UUL, featured in the elektrosmog/HÖRsPORT concert series, at PORT25 – Raum für Gegenwartskunst, Hafenstr. 25–27, 68159 Mannheim, Germany. Facebook event.
March 19, 2020
20:00 CET

Mannheim, Germany: sound design and live sound for Auto-nomie, a theatre piece by andpartnersincrime. During «Wunder der Prärie» festival, at zeitraumexit, Hafenstr. 68, 68159 Mannheim. Details here. Facebook.
September 26 and 28, 2019
21:00 CET
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Thorns/Seeds, live concert at KunstKulturKirche Allerheiligen, Thüringer Str. 35, 60316 Frankfurt am Main. Details here.
September 19, 2019
19:30 CET
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: sound design and live sound for Auto-nomie, a theatre piece by andpartnersincrime. During the festival «Unfuck my Future. How to Live Together in Europe», at Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Waldschmidtstr. 4, 60316 Frankfurt am Main. Facebook.
September 2–4, 2019
Sept. 02, 20:00 CET

Sept. 03, 20:30 CET
Sept. 04, 19:00 CET
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: «(das) heim» is a performative installation by profikollektion about a former boarding school for jewish girls in Frankfurt which was closed in 1940. Sound and music composed by Marc Behrens. Details here. At Villa Gründergeist, Gärtnerweg 62, 60322 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. For tickets please register at
June 13–16, 2019
20:00–23:00 CET
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: participating in the «Osterspaziergang 2019» event with two new works called Orakel and Zur Fabellehre – art installations and interventions at three sites in Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen: Goetheruh, Klubhaus Sachsenhäuser Jagdklub and Willemer-Häuschen. Participants: botanoadopt – 431art (Haike Rausch & Torsten Grosch), Cornelia Heier, Paul Donda, Weingut Marco Hofmann & die Fruchtig KG, Sofia Bordo/Torsten Kühne, Tatiana Urban, Eva Weingärtner and Marc Behrens. Curated by Annette Gloser. Funded by Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main.
More info and exact schedule here.
April 21, 2019, Easter Sunday
12:00–18:00 CET
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: «Alexa, Cargo, Clould» exhibition, performance and reading. Johannes Bröckers will read from his book «Schnauze, Alexa! Ich kaufe nicht bei Amazon», Marc Behrens will show The Cargo Scroll and other artworks and present his music performance Clould. At ATELIER ORBIT24 | DeDe Handon, Eva Weingärtner, Orber Str. 24, 60386 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
March 29, 2019, 19:30 CET (opening, performance, reading)
also open March 30, 18:00–20:00 CET
March 31, 17:00–19:00 CET
Dundalk, Ireland: my music piece Queendom (featuring Yôko Higashi) is part of «mixtape #IWD», a two-day event celebrating International Women’s Day. Curated by Hilary Mullaney. Presented by the Department of Creative Arts, Media, and Music, Dundalk IT. At Recital Room, PJ Carroll Building, Dundalk IT, Dundalk, Ireland. Click here for more info.
March 7+8, 2019
launch March 7, 11:00 AM (GMT)
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Alle im All, an event with Tanja Küchle, DeDe Handon, Trevor Paglen’s «Orbital Reflector», Eva Weingärtner, Marc Behrens, Liam Handon. At ATELIER ORBIT24 | DeDe Handon, Eva Weingärtner, Orber Str. 24, 60386 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Facebook event
December 14, 2018
19:00 CET some material from my new album Mut Att Narc Imm will be included in the December 9 regular edition broadcast on Resonance FM. The broadcast schedule extends to various radio stations throughout Europe and the US.
starting December 9, 2018
23:00 UTC 104.4fm @ Resonance FM
through December 16, 2018

Cologne, Germany: Marc Behrens concert Acousmatic Works at the Faculty of Musicology, University of Cologne. Musiksaal der Universität zu Köln, Hauptgebäude, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, 50923 Köln, Germany.
Event info
November 09, 2018
20:00 CET
Auf Abwegen, Germany: a new full length album (CD/digital) by Marc Behrens: Mut Att Narc Imm. Mut att narc imm mut att imm narc mut narc att imm mut narc imm att mut imm att narc mut imm narc att att mut imm narc att mut narc imm att narc imm mut att narc.
BUY from Auf Abwegen – or why not just listen
November 09, 2018
release date
Leipzig, Germany: Marc Behrens’ music piece Kupari Odradek Drug Party (Megamix 2018) will be released on «DEGEM CD 16 drop the beat», the annual compilation CD of the DEGEM (German Association of Electroacoustic Music), curated by Felix Leuschner, artwork and production by Marc Behrens. Concert and CD presentation at the DEGEM concert.
Marc Behrens’ music piece Fever will be featured in the DEGEM concert. Both events at Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig, Grassistr. 8, 04107 Leipzig, Germany.
concert info
November 04, 2018
11:00 CET DEGEM concert
17:00 CET CD presentation
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: production, sound and editing for a radio feature by and about Helga Franke. Helga Franke: Mai vorbei will be on air at Frankfurt regional Radio X (editor Cornelia Heier/Fritz Deutschland e.V.).
Event info/streaming link

Helga Franke
November 02, 2018
21:00–23:00 CET
91.8 mHz
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Burn Warehouse Burn, an audio walk about the Frankfurt department store fires in 1968 by profikollektion (Marc Behrens, Jan Deck, Katja Kämmerer). Please register at Funded by the Kulturamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Musikfonds e.V., (with means by the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien).
more event information
Facebook event
September 05/06/07/08, 2018,
05. September: 17:00–22:00 CET
06. September: 17:00–22:00 CET
07. September: 17:00–22:00 CET
08. September: 15:00–20:00 CET
Wiesbaden, Germany: hyperMOODbox, an audiovisual installation by Annesley Black, Marc Behrens and Julia Mihály at Wiesbaden Hbf, the main train station. This work is part of the Transit culture programme by Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain. Directions: Bahnhofsplatz 1, 65189 Wiesbaden, Germany.
Facebook event
July 02–08, 2018
open 11:00–20:00 CET
start July 01, 2018, 19:00–21:00 CET
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Boundaries – Ein Archiv zukünftiger Fundstücke, a theatre performance by andpartnersincrime. At Weltkulturen Museum, Frankfurt am Main. Directed by Eleonora Herder, dramaturgy: Tim Schuster, video: Julia Novacek, design and scenography: Anya Sukhova, sound design: Marc Behrens, live sound: Jan Bam, performance: Jan Bam, Eleonora Herder, Julia Novacek, Tim Schuster, Saeed Sedaghat, Anya Sukhova. Directions: Schaumainkai 29–37, 60594 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
more event information
Facebook event
June 28/29/30/July 1, 2018, 19:30 CET
Porto, Portugal: participating as one of the many invited authors in the sound installation project Anotações Sonoras: Espaço, Pausa, Repetição by Miguel Carvalhais and Pedro Tudela. At Pavilhão de Exposições da Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto (exhibition pavilion of the fine arts faculty of Porto university), Av. Rodrigues de Freitas, 265, Porto, Portugal.
Facebook event
March 24 through June 30, 2018
open Tue–Sat 14:30–18:30 UTC
opening March 23 18:00–20:00 UTC
Mannheim, Germany: Marc Behrens live concert, featured in the elektrosmog concert series, at PORT25 – Raum für Gegenwartskunst, Mannheim. Directions: Hafenstr. 25–27, 68159 Mannheim, Germany.
Facebook event
May 17, 2018, 20:00 CET
Darmstadt, Germany: hyperMOODbox, an audiovisual installation by Annesley Black, Marc Behrens and Julia Mihály in the main hall of Darmstadt Hbf, the main train station. This work is part of the Transit culture programme by Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain. Directions: Am Hauptbahnhof 20, 64293 Darmstadt.
April 25–May 04, 2018
open 11:00–20:00 CET
start April 24, 2018, 19:00–21:00 CET
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Marc Behrens participates in the group show Ware Kunst bis 600,- €. At b.K.i. bewohnte Kunstinstallation von Sandip Shah, Seehofstraße 8a, 60594 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Facebook event
March 22 through May 13, 2018
open Thu/Sun 15:00–19:00 CET
opening March 22 , 19:00 CET
hr2-kultur radio, Germany: broadcast premiere of Marc Behrens’ Our Tongues in Your Ears. Bacharach at the Rhine river has been known for winegrowing since centuries. Marc Behrens recorded fermentation processes of various wines in wooden casks and stainless steel tanks at Marco Hofmann’s and the Ratzenberger vineyard. The microphone was sometimes placed directly at the bung hole where gases evaporate passing through old ceramic and stoneware fermentation locks or through modern glass tube airlocks. In the final composition of the piece the murmuring acoustics of the cellars, the sizzling sounds within the fermenting liquids and the materiality of the steel tanks appear in contrast to the gurgling and bubbling of the gases. Editor: Stefan Fricke.
Facebook event
March 17, 2018, 23:00 CET
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: new dates for Horkheimers Geist – Übungen in Demokratie, a performative audio installation by profikollektion (Marc Behrens, Caroline Brandão, Jan Deck, Michaela Filla-Raquin, Katja Kämmerer, Tim Schuster, Ines Wuttke), at Studierendenhaus, Mertonstraße 26–28, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Check out the trailer!
Facebook event
March 16–18, 2018
performance schedule:
March 16/17, 18:00–21:00 CET, starting every 30'
March 18, 16:00–18:00 CET, starting every 30'
click here to book your ticket
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: hyperMOODbox, an audiovisual installation by Annesley Black, Marc Behrens and Julia Mihály in the central events area of Frankfurt am Main Hbf, the main train station. This work is part of the Transit culture programme by Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain. Directions: Im Hauptbahnhof, 60329 Frankfurt am Main.
Download the flyer.
February 08–15, 2018
open 11:00–20:00 CET
start February 07, 2018, 19:00–21:00 CET
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Marc Behrens participates in the group show «Bits and Pieces». At Der Mixer, Fahrgasse 22, Frankfurt am Main.
December 01, 2017–January 28, 2018
opening December 01, 2017, 19:00 CET
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Horkheimers Geist – Übungen in Demokratie, a performative audio installation by profikollektion (Marc Behrens, Jan Deck, Michaela Filla-Raquin, Katja Kämmerer, Tim Schuster et al.), at Studierendenhaus, Mertonstraße 26–28, 60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.  
Darmstadt, Germany: Marc Behrens will hold the opening speech at Volkmar Hoppe’s exhibition «The Outcuts». Fenstergalerie Will, Dieburger Str. 56, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany.
November 17, 2017, 19:00 CET
hr2 Kultur | The Artist’s Corner, Germany: Boche: Rennmotoren und Zahlensender, a radio feature about the music of Hans Ludwig Jacoby aka Boche. Read more.
November 4, 2017, 23:00 CET
Berlin, Germany: Marc Behrens’ music piece Clould (2nd Movement) will be released on «DEGEM CD XV», the annual compilation CD of the DEGEM (German Association of Electroacoustic Music), curated by Clemens von Reusner this time, artwork and production by Marc Behrens. CD presentation at Kontakte 2017 festival at Akademie der Künste, Berlin.
September 30, 2017, 15:00–15:45 CET
Fylkingen #Tongues: 2005, a short story by Marc Behrens, published in the #Tongues_2 magazine by Fylkingen, Stockholm, Sweden, curated by Marie Gavois.
September 2017
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Répartir les poids – Gewichte verlagern, a get-together with Bruno Lauffenburger, Andreas Rohrbach, Christl Pullmann, Günter Zehetner, Charlotte Malcolm-Smith, Thomas Hartmann, Hubertus Voss, Sabine Zimmermann, Marc Behrens, Annette Gloser, and friends. At the square in front of Dreikönigskirche, at the Frankfurt Montmartre, at Maaschanz, Färberstr. 75, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
August 11, 2017, 18:00 CET
Udine, Italy: the sound installation The Religion of Toxins will be featured in the Sound Art exhibition «Il Suono in Mostra». The installation will be located in the Battistero del Duomo, Piazzetta Beato Bertrando di S. Genes, Udine, Italy. Curated by Alessandra Zucchi and Antonio Della Marina of Spazioersetti. Other artists participating in the exhibition: Phill Niblock, James Webb, Giancarlo Toniutti, Signe Liden, Francesco Giomi, Sabina Đogić. Click for Facebook event.
A mixdown of The Religion of Toxins is available through Bandcamp.
June 3–11, 2017
opening Jun 3, 18:00 CET
open Thu–Sun 18:00–19:00 CET
Availabel, Bandcamp: the music album Architectural Commentaries 4&5 by Marc Behrens is now released as a digital edition on Bandcamp. Track 3: Architectural Commentary 5: Some Models for Resonant Behaviour received the Broadcasting Art I Award from MUSAC, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León, MUSAC and Radio Nacional de España – Radio 3 (Fluido Rosa) in 2006.
January 9, 2017
Availabel, Bandcamp: the music album Architectural Commentaries by Marc Behrens released as a digital, remastered edition on Bandcamp.
December 5, 2016
Wrong Wrong Magazine, Portugal: Marc Behrens was the artist-in-residence in the issue Wrong Wrong n.7 «O Regresso da Europa/The Return of Europe».
The essay One About Sugar/Um Sobre Açúcar was published October 26.
The essay One About Eggs/Um Sobre Ovos was published November 28.
The short story E C B/B C E was published December 20.
Curated by Sandra Vieira Jürgens and Paulo T. Silva.
October through December 2016
Colönia, Porto, Portugal: the Porto based design studio Colönia will release a notebook edition that contains the short story Time In by Marc Behrens. In collaboration with Joana Machado. Details tba.
Colönia blog
December 2016
Bandcamp: the music album T.V. Tapes Mix by Ho. Turner released as a digital edition on Bandcamp. Restored, edited and mastered by Marc Behrens 2016. Produced by No Basement is Deep Enough and Marc Behrens 2016. Originally released in an edition of 65 copies on Compact Cassette by No Basement is Deep Enough.
December 1, 2016
Bandcamp: Potlatch! The music album A Szellem Álma [The Dream of a Ghost] by Francisco López and Marc Behrens (originally released in 2004 as a double CD) is now available as a FREE DOWNLOAD. Remastered version…
November 2016
Availabel, Bandcamp: Potlatch! The single Narcotic Syntax & Eyephone by Narcotic Syntax & Eyephone is now available as a FREE DOWNLOAD (yes, Xmas is near!). Recorded during the Techno days 1995 by James Dean Brown (aka Hypnobeat, Narcotic Syntax) and Marc Behrens (aka Eyephone).
November 2016
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Silver Series Super Dada Dada Show with various artists at KVFM - Kunstverein Familie Montez e.V., Honsellbrücke am Hafenpark, Honsellstr. 7, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Marc Behrens will present The Vhhce feat. Maile Colbert.
Facebook event
November 25, 2016
doors 20:00, concerts 20:30 (CET)
Cologne, Germany: Marc Behrens Mut Att Narc Imm and Clould live at «Soundart 2016» during the «Museumsnacht Köln». The eight hours long program features live performances by: Tomomi Adachi, Gilles Aubry, Marc Behrens, Lisa Domin/Ralf-Tibor Stemmer/Zofia Bartoszewicz, Luis Negrón van Grieken, Balz Isler, Albrecht Pischel. The event will take place at the WDR Hörspielstudio, Funkhaus Wallrafplatz, Cologne. A cooperation of WDR3, Stiftung Hören, Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl, European Soundart Award.
download the event flyer
October 29–30, 2016
Oct 29, 19:00 – Oct 30, 3:00 (MET)
Marc Behrens scheduled at 22:00 and 1:40 (MET)
Dublin, Ireland: solo gallery show Phantoms by Marc Behrens at The MART Gallery, 190A Rathmines Road Lower, Dublin 6, Ireland. Curated by Matthew Nevin and Ciara Scanlan. Supported by the Goethe-Institut Irland and Dublin City Council.
Facebook event
October 05–22, 2016
preview Wednesday October 05, 18:00 (GMT)
open Tues–Sat, 13:00–18:00 (GMT)
Wrong Wrong Magazine, Portugal: The Cargo Scroll / O Rolo de Carga by Marc Behrens, published in Wrong Wrong n.6 «Fora de Formato/Out of Format», in English and Portuguese. Curated by Sandra Vieira Jürgens and Paulo T. Silva.
September 30, 2016
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Silver Series Super Dada Dada Show with Negativland and special guests: ephemeroL & Marc Behrens (and many more) at KVFM - Kunstverein Familie Montez e.V., Honsellbrücke am Hafenpark, Honsellstr. 7, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Facebook event
September 25, 2016
doors 20:00, concerts 21:00 (CET)
Prague, Czech Republic: Stimul Nights Negativland & Marc Behrens at NoD/Roxy, Dlouhá 33, 110 00, Praha 1, Czech Republic.
September 24, 2016
19:30 (CET)
No Basement Is Deep Enough, Serbia/Belgium: Ho. Turner’s (1948–2012) third posthumous music album «T.V. Tapes Mix» will be released on audio cassette in a limited edition of 65 copies. Restored, edited and mastered by Marc Behrens 2016. Produced by No Basement Is Deep Enough and Marc Behrens 2016.
Listen to an audio excerpt of «T.V. Tapes Mix»

No Basement Is Deep Enough on flicker
release date September 21, 2016

Vila do Conde, Portugal: Marc Behrens’ explicit video Prophecy 117 (with Claudia K. and Hugo N.) will be part of a session with all nine videos for @C’s music album «Three-Body Problem». Videos by Miguel Leal, Roav & N. Teluric, Nuno Tudela, Cristina Mateus, Lia, André Rangel, Marc Behrens, Rodrigo Carvalho, e Tudela & Carvalhais. Film festival 24th Curtas Vila do Conde, Vila do Conde, Portugal, July 9–17, 2016.
watch trailer/preview on Vimeo
July 11, 2016
21:45 (GMT), Teatro Municipal, Sala Dois
Availabel: Marc Behrens’ album The Aesthetics of Censorship to be released as a digital edition. Composed in 1994, only some of the tracks were released in 2000 on vinyl LP by Wachsender Prozess, Germany.
listen and buy from Bandcamp
release date July 05, 2016
Bandcamp: Tam and Marc Behrens played music by Boche on May 27, 2016 in two consecutive live sets at Passos Manuel, Porto, Portugal, now available as digital download/streaming: «Tam & Marc Behrens play Boche» digital album.
June 23, 2016
Auf Abwegen, Germany: Marc Behrens’ composition L’Attesa is featured on «Aufabwegen #50 Ausgewählte Geräusche», a compilation of German Noise Music, 2CD, 82pp. book. It features artists like Die Tödliche Doris, Asmus Tietchens, Frank Bretschneider, Christoph Heemann, Cranioclast, Thomas Köner, Limpe Fuchs, Achim Wollscheid, Rlw, Werkbund, and many many more! This release also marks the 20th aniversary of the label! Many happy returns!
June 2016
blanClass, Yokohama, Japan: participating in the collective exhibition «0°C» with the sound piece Sleppet (4) Glacier. Curated by Hideki Umezawa and Yoichi Kamikura. blanClass, Yokohama, Japan.
Facebook event.
May 27 – 29, 2016
open May 27/28, 13:00–21:00 (UTC+9)
May 29, 13:00–19:00 (UTC+9) digital albums of Boche’s music, produced by Marc Behrens.
«Boche – Beats» digital album.
«Boche – Stencil» digital album.
May 2016 ––– terminated 2024
Passos Manuel, Porto, Portugal: release event for «Boche – Stencil» (vinyl LP, Wasser Bassin, Portugal): Tam and Marc Behrens play Boche, DJs Adão + Miguel Sá. Passos Manuel, Rua de Passos Manuel 137, 4000-385 Porto, Portugal. Free admission.
Facebook event.
«Boche – Stencil» vinyl LP.
«Boche – Stencil» digital album.
Listen to an excerpt (1).
Listen to an excerpt (2).
release event May 27, 2016, 23:30 (GMT)
official release June 2016
Passos Manuel, Porto, Portugal: @C will present their new CD «Three-Body Problem», with videos by Miguel Leal, Roav & N. Teluric, Nuno Tudela, Cristina Mateus, Lia, André Rangel, Marc Behrens, Rodrigo Carvalho, e Tudela & Carvalhais. Passos Manuel, Rua de Passos Manuel 137, 4000-385 Porto, Portugal. Free admission.
Facebook event.
May 19, 2016, 22:00 (GMT)
Availabel: Marc Behrens’ album A Narrow Angle re-released as a digital edition. Originally released on CD by Entr’acte, U.K.
listen and buy from Bandcamp
release date February 29, 2016
Matéria Prima, Porto, Portugal: Our Tongues in your Ears – Since 2014, Marc Behrens holds «Auditions» in Germany and Portugal. This is an hour long session of deep listening aided by incense, tea and absinth.
Desde 2014, Marc Behrens organiza «Auditions» na Alemanha e em Portugal. Esta é uma sessão de profunda escuta com uma hora de duração, acompanhada do apoio de incenso, chá e absinto.
Matéria Prima, Rua da Picaria, 84, 4050-477 Porto, Portugal.
February 18, 2016, 6:00 PM
Sonoscopia, Porto, Portugal: Final Final (Microvolumes 3.51) – Marc Behrens’ second solo show at Sonoscopia features deep ambient synched to subconscious landscapes of the mind inspired by Southern European and Eastern Asian experiences. Admission includes free dinner.
O segundo espectáculo a solo de Marc Behrens na Sonoscopia incorpora ambientes profundos sincronizados com paisagens mentais subconscientes inspiradas nas suas experiências no sul da Europa e na Ásia oriental. Concerto com oferta de jantar.
Sonoscopia, Rua da Prelada, 33 (Largo do Carvalhido), Porto, Portugal.
February 12, 2016, 7:30 PM
Availabel: Marc Behrens’ album Apparatus re-released as a digital edition. Originally released on CDR by ΑΓΧΙΒΑΤΕΙΝ, Greece.
listen and buy from Bandcamp
release date January 30, 2016
Passos Manuel, Porto, Portugal: Marc Behrens’ (D/KREV) return to Passos Manuel was long awaited. Breaking the Elephant’s Legs is a very special concert and the world premiere of his brand-new extended songs. Behrens appears in best company: local mystics Calhau! will join him on stage, like two diamonds in a ruby bowl. Pedro Tudela will deejay the hell out of the bar’s dense airwaves, while Joana Machado of Colönia contributes with a golden photograph.
Breaking the Elephant’s Legs, o regresso aguardado de Marc Behrens (D/KREV), ao Passos Manuel. Um concerto muito especial, e a estreia mundial das suas brand-new extended songs. Behrens surge com uma dupla de místicos portuenses de alta categoria: Calhau! estarão com ele em palco, como dois diamantes numa taça de rubi. Pedro Tudela irá auspiciar sonoramente as densas correntes de ar, do Passos Manuel, após o evento, enquanto Joana Machado de Colönia contribui com uma fotografia dourada.
Passos Manuel, Rua de Passos Manuel 137, 4000-385 Porto, Portugal.
January 28, 2016, 10:30 PM
De Garage, Mechelen, Belgium: collaborating with Belgian artist Steve Van den Bosch on the four-channel audio installation List of Works for his exhibition «Inferpretation & Intection». Voice: Kate Mayne.
De Garage, Onder den Toren 12A, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium.
opening January 22, 2016, 8:00 PM
exhibition January 23 – March 20, 2016
open Thu–Sat 1:00–6:00 PM
Trauma im G-Werk, Bar:Noise, Marburg, Germany: Marc Behrens Clould concert performance at Trauma im G-Werk, Afföllerwiesen 3a, 35039 Marburg, Germany.
December 18, 2015, doors 9:00 PM, concert 9:30 PM
hr2-Kultur | The Artist’s Corner, Germany: broadcast premiere of SoundCard Porto, a feature about Portugal’s second largest city, by Marc Behrens. Editor Stefan Fricke. Featuring music pieces by Rita Braga, HHY & The Macumbas, @C, Calhau! and Marc Behrens.
December 12, 2015, 11:05 PM (CET)
Darmstadt, Germany: Marc Behrens gallery exhibition Fantastication at Fenstergalerie Will, Dieburger Staße 56, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany. Opening on December 04, 7:00 PM.
download the flyer (pdf)
December 5–19, 2015
opening December 4, 2015, 7:00 PM
open on Fridays and Saturdays 3:00–6:00 PM
Relincha Festival, Valdivia, Chile: Marc Behrens’ music piece Sleppet (4) Glacier is included in the «Sesion de Escucha II: Paisajes sonoros del mundo» at Relincha Festival, Museo histórico y antropológico Mauricio Van de Maele, UACh, Valdivia, Chile.
November 28, 2015, 7:00 PM
Farmacia901, Italy: Marc Behrens’ music piece Fever is featured in the 9th edition of the project «Quark: How Does The Invisible Sound?» (Q09: Andrea Ricci, Marc Behrens, Mogano, Miguel Isaza). Curated/programmed by Fabio Perletta and Ennio Mazzon.
October 27, 2015
Stark Bewölkt + Re:Fokus, Hörbar, Hamburg, Germany: Marc Behrens live: Mut Att Narc Imm, Stefanie Sixt und Markus Mehr: «Re-Directed». B-Movie/Hörbar, Brigittenstr. 5 (Hinterhof), 20359 Hamburg, Germany.
Facebook event
October 14, 2015, doors 8:30 PM, concerts 9:30 PM
«Kontakte 2015», Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany: Marc Behrens will perform a short version of Sin and Temper within the DEGEM members concert program of «Kontakte 2015, Internationales Festival für Elektronische Musik und Klangkunst» (also: Ralf Hoyer, Clemens von Reusner, Hans Tutschku, Leo Hofmann, Hanns Holger Rutz) at Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin, Germany.
Facebook event
September 26, 2015, 7:00–9:00 PM (Kleines Parkett)
EDITION DEGEM/«Kontakte 2015», Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany: Marc Behrens’ music piece To Break an Elephant’s Leg will be released on the compilation CD «DEGEM CD 13 Grenzen», curated by Florian Hartlieb, artwork by Marc Behrens. The CD will be presented at festival «Kontakte 2015, Internationales Festival für Elektronische Musik und Klangkunst» at Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin, Germany.
The piece is a 5-minute experiment with extreme frequencies, frequency-modulated digital distortion and an embedded 1-minute Death-Metal song. It is dedicated to Raquel Nobre Guerra, who fertilized the piece with her presence.
September 26, 2015, 5:00–6:00 PM (Clubraum)
Availabel: Marc Behrens’ new mini-album The Religion of Toxins released as a digital edition. The work was first presented as a sound installation at Museu Serralves, Porto, Portugal, May 30–31, 2015, during «Serralves em Festa 2015», inside the Serralves chapel.
prelisten and buy on Bandcamp
available now!
Entr’acte: Until recently I remastered the entire catalogue of musical works by my friend Hans Ludwig Jacoby, aka «Boche». He recorded music from the mid 1980s until 1991. Boche’s «Beats» CD, featuring 27 tracks, just released on Entr’acte, has been delivered from the factory. Listen to three example tracks and feel free to consider purchasing the CD, if you like what you hear!
prelisten and buy from Entr’acte
available now!
Sismógrafo, Porto, Portugal: concert by Sara Rodrigues & Marc Behrens. All That Matter by Sara Rodrigues, Outmatters by Sara Rodrigues & Marc Behrens, Clould (3rd Movement) by Marc Behrens. Sismógrafo, Praça dos Poveiros, 56, 1° andar, Porto, Portugal.
Sara Rodrigues
September 13, 2015, 4:00 PM
Festival «Les Suds», Arles, France: Marc Behrens’ A Narrow Angle:Taipei Metro Easycard 500 NT$ featured in Phonurgia Nova’s listening program within the Festival «Les Suds», Arles, France. The listening program will take place at Villa J, 2, rue Eugène Gautier, Arles, France. In collaboration with Deutschlandradio Kultur/France Culture.
July 13–18, 2015
Allgemeiner Konsumverein, Braunschweig, Germany: sound art exhibition «Klang der Städte». Participating artists: tamtam – Sam Auinger/Hannes Strobl, Marc Behrens, Clemens von Reusner, Johannes S. Sistermanns, Hans Wesker. Artist talk/workshop with Marc Behrens June 21.
June 18 until July 19, 2015
starting June 18, 6:00 PM
open Mon/Fri 4:00–8:00 PM
Thu 6:00–10:00 PM
Sat/Sun 2:00–6:00 PM
artist talk/workshop with Marc Behrens: June 21, 2015, 11:00 AM
die Reihe. Beiträge zu auditiver Kunst und Kultur, Berlin, Germany: Marc Behrens – presentation of audio works. Elektronisches Studio der TU Berlin, Raum EN-324, 3. OG, Einsteinufer 17c, Berlin (S-Bahn Tiergarten, U-Bahn Ernst-Reuter-Platz).
how to get there
June 4, 2015, 6:00 PM
quiet cue, Berlin, Germany: quiet cue #153 with live concerts by Marc Behrens, Torsten Papenheim, Axel Dörner & Sukandar Kartadinata, Christiane Hommelsheim, Stella Veloce, Nicolas Wiese. Flughafenstr. 28, 12053 Berlin, Germany.
May 30, 2015
doors 8:00 PM, start 8:30 PM
Museu Serralves, Porto, Portugal: Marc Behrens – double mono sound installation The Religion of Toxins, situated in a space inside the Serralves chapel. Parallel to an installation by @C (Miguel Carvalhais and Pedro Tudela). Featured in the «Serralves em Festa 2015» event.
May 30, 8:00 AM until May 31, 2015, 24:00 PM
Crónica: Marc Behrens’ Kupari Odradek Drug Party is included in the digital album «Siebzehn bis ∞» by eight artists working with material recorded by Ephraim Wegner – Maile Colbert, Francisco López, Mathias Delplanque, @C, Simon Whetham, Emmanuel Mieville and Ephraim Wegner.
buy on Bandcamp
May 20, 2015
ProgressDeutschlandradio Kultur, Germany: broadcast of Progress, a radio piece probing into layers of the artist’s own family history since 1869, contemporary and technological history, connected through their subjective examination using psychomagic rituals. Broadcast in German language. Produced by Deutschlandradio Kultur – Klangkunst, editor Marcus Gammel.
April 29, 2015, 9:30 PM
Availabel: Marc Behrens’ Mini-Album Kosovski Rekvijem – Requiem I Kosovës – Kosovo Requiem will be released in digital remastered edition.
(3 tracks, composed 1999, originally released in 2005 as mini CD-R on Oblast, USA)
buy on Bandcamp
April 25, 2015
Bogotá, Colombia: presentation of documentary video «Clould, live at Tsonami 2013, Valparaíso, Chile, December 5, 2013», featured in «Festival Radar». At Cine Tonalá, Bogotá, Colombia.
April 23, 2015
Eschborn K/Galerie K, Eschborn, Germany: solo exhibition «Mission» and performance «Clould». Eschborn K/Galerie K, Jahnstraße 3, 65760 Eschborn, Germany.
download flyer as pdf [German only]
performance and exhibition opening April 17, 2015, 8:15 PM
exhibition April 18–June 27, 2015
Generator @ ICST, Zürich, Switzerland: live concerts by Marcus Maeder «Progeny» and Marc Behrens «Mut Att Narc Imm». Club Mehrspur | Toni-Areal, Förrlibuckstrasse 109, 8005 Zürich, Switzerland.
April 16, 2015, 9:00 PM
Cooperativa Neue Musik, Bielefeld, Germany: presentation and concert at «Jour Fixe April». At Capella Hospitalis, Teutoburgerstr. 50, 3360 Bielefeld, Germany.
April 13, 2015, 8:00 PM
hr2-Kultur | The Artist’s Corner, Germany: broadcast of «Ho. Turner: Ohrvertikale», a feature about Ho. Turner’s audio work, by Marc Behrens.
April 11, 2015, 11:05 PM (CET)
Bandcamp: Ho. Turner’s out-of-print cassettes on Entr’acte: Systematic/Synergetic/Synchronistic/Syntonized/Sensitized! (E169) and The Shrill (E173), produced by Marc Behrens in 2014 — are now available digitally:
Bandcamp (yellow)
Bandcamp (orange)
April 1, 2014
Sonoscopia, Porto, Portugal: «Microvolumes 3.38 | Marc Behrens: Sin and Temper», live concert with dinner. More info soon. Sonoscopia, Rua da Prelada, 33 (Largo do Carvalhido), Porto, Portugal.
March 22, 2015,
doors 6:00 PM
concert 6:30 PM
food 7:30 PM
WDR 3 Kulturradio, Germany: Marc Behrens «Clould», broadcast of the concert at «Geräuschwelten Festival 2015» (February 8, 2015) and introduction/interview by Raphael Smarzoch. Broadcast in the Sound Art program WDR3 Open: Studio Akustische Kunst.
March 13, 2015, 11:05 PM (CET)
Sismógrafo, Porto, Portugal: solo gallery exhibition «A Magnet Between Proteins and Sugar». During the exhibition a concert and a special event will take place. Concert: «Rita Braga & Marc Behrens Smile You Against the Wall», event «Audition». Sismógrafo, Praça dos Poveiros, 56, 1° andar, Porto, Portugal.
A Magnet Between Proteins and Sugar
Rita Braga
an article about the exhibition in Artecapital (in Portuguese)
February 27–March 14, 2015, open Thu–Sat 3:00 PM–7:00 PM
opening February 27, 10:00 PM
concert Rita Braga & Marc Behrens, February 28, 10:00 PM
event Audition, March 14, 10:00 PM
Black Box/cuba-cultur, Münster/Westfalen, Germany: performance «Clould» at «Geräuschwelten Festival 2015», scheduled Sunday, February 8. Other artists include :zoviet*france:, Compound Eye, Giuseppe Ielasi, Elodie (Timo van Luyk and Andrew Chalk), Artificial Memory Trace and Kallabris. At Black Box/cuba-cultur, Achtermannstr. 12, 48143 Münster, Germany.
Black Box/cuba-cultur
Facebook event
February 07-08, 2015
concert February 07 at 8:00 PM
concert February 08 at 6:00 PM
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Marc Behrens MUT ATT NARC IMM live at Phonophon. Institut für Neue Medien (INM), Schmickstraße 18, 60314 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
November 26, 2014, 8:00 PM
Marburg, Germany: Behrens Heyduck TTTT live at Trauma im G-Werk, Afföllerwiesen 3a, 35039 Marburg, Germany.
Facebook event
November 22, 2014, doors 8:00 PM, concert 8:30 PM
Dortmund, Germany: Marc Behrens MUT ATT NARC IMM live at Mex. Also live: Atsushi Nishijama. Mex im Künstlerhaus, Sunderweg 1, 44147 Dortmund, Germany.
November 21, 2014, 8:00 PM
Münster/Westfalen, Germany: Paradeiser Productions presents Marc Behrens MUT ATT NARC IMM live at SpecOps Network, Von-Vincke-Str. 5–7, 48143 Münster, Germany.
November 20, 2014, 10:00 PM
Dortmund, Germany: The composition Central Matches from the album Integração (Remastered Edition) by Marc Behrens will be included in the acousmatic concert «Vegetation!» as a special 4-channel version (Dortmund version). Theater im Depot, Immermannstr. 29, 44147 Dortmund, Germany.
A stereo version of the piece can be found here.
November 09, 2014, 6:00 PM
Essen, Germany: The electronic music piece Clould (3rd Movement) by Marc Behrens will be included in the concert program «Parallelwelten elektronisch» featured in the NOW! Festival 2014, Essen, Germany. The concert is curated by DEGEM (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektroakustische Musik) and ICEM (Institut für Computermusik und elektronische Medien der Folkwang Universität der Künste) and will take place at Neue Aula der Folkwang Universität der Künste, Klemensborn 39, 45239 Essen, Germany.
November 14, 2014, 4:00 PM
Edition DEGEM, Germany: The music piece Grace by Marc Behrens will be featured on the compilation CD «DEGEM CD 12 Seltene Erden», to be released mid-November. Also: CD artwork and photography by Marc Behrens.
November 2014
Availabel: Two re-releases by Marc Behrens in digital format, carefully remastered.
ala008: Contraction (Remastered Edition) (9 tracks, originally released in 1999 as CD on Digital Narcis, Japan)
buy on Bandcamp
buy on iTunes
ala009: Integração (Remastered Edition) (6 tracks, originally released in 2001 on Sirr, Portugal)
buy on Bandcamp
buy on iTunes
November 2014
Availabel: A new round of re-releases by Marc Behrens in digital format, thoroughly remastered.
ala005: Advanced Environmental Control (Remastered and Complete Edition (12 tracks, featuring 12 minutes of extra material. Originally released in 1995 as CD on Trente Oiseaux, Germany)
buy on Bandcamp
buy on iTunes
ala006: Four Installations (Remastered Edition) (6 tracks, originally released in 1999 as CD on Trente Oiseaux, Germany)
buy on Bandcamp
buy on iTunes
ala007: Elapsed Time (Remastered Edition) (7 tracks, originally released in 2001 as a numbered ltd. edition CD on Intransitive, USA)
buy on Bandcamp
buy on iTunes
September 20, 2014
Bandcamp: Two albums available now on Bandcamp.
20 Zonen (1 track, 40:00, originally released as CD on Auf Abwegen, Germany)
buy on Bandcamp
Animistic [for Donatella] (Remastered Edition) (2 tracks + 13 pp. pdf, 41:14, originally released as CD on Auf Abwegen, Germany)
buy on Bandcamp
September 5, 2014
ProgressDeutschlandradio Kultur, Germany: broadcast of Progress, a radio piece probing into layers of the artist’s own family history since 1869, contemporary and technological history, connected through their subjective examination using psychomagic rituals. Broadcast in German language. Produced by Deutschlandradio Kultur – Klangkunst, editor Marcus Gammel.
August 15, 2014, 0:05 AM
(the night of August 14 to August 15, German local time)
Only on personal invitation: Audition, soundscapes and drinks by Alexander Diroll and Marc Behrens.
August 2014
Darmstadt, Germany: Irregular Characters by Marc Behrens will be included in the DEGEM concert program of electroacoustic music during the 47. Internationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik, Darmstadt, Germany. The concert will take place at Mornewegschule (Gymnastikhalle), Hermannstraße 21, 64285 Darmstadt, Germany.
Purchase Irregular Characters as CD or digital release:
August 07, 2014, 10:00 PM
Entr’acte: a remix by Marc Behrens of Le Train muet by hamaYôko, on: «hamaYôko vue par...» CD, also including remixes by K.K. Null, Felix Kubin, Midori Hirano, Dale Cornish, Nat Bates and Lionel Marchetti.
August 01, 2014
Eyephone 20 years/Availabel: The entire Eyephone catalogue remastered by Atom™: a set of three re-releases on the recently installed Availabel. Each album sports almost 2 hours of playing time (almost double of its original length), adding loads of unreleased material to each release. Eyephone (1994–1997) was an Electronica/IDM project by Marc Behrens, who recently collaborated with Atom™ on the «Bauteile» album (Editions Mego). Together they had also released «Atom Heart & Eyephone – Micropossessed» in 1997.
ala001: Eyephone – Devolution+ (15 tracks, released May 30, 2014)
buy on Bandcamp
buy on iTunes
ala001: Eyephone – Evergreens+ (18 tracks, released June 19, 2014)
buy on Bandcamp
buy on iTunes
ala001: Eyephone – Reductive+ (22 tracks, released July 11, 2014)
buy on Bandcamp
buy on iTunes
«Devolution+», the third and final Eyephone album, contains the complete versions of previously shortened tracks and six unreleased tracks.
«Evergreens+» features all the material from the original second album and the «Greenhouse» EP, plus unreleased tracks from the same period. Including one collaborative track by Eyephone and Basic Halo, two Eyephone remixes by Basic Halo (who later became Clifford Gilberto and signed with Ninja Tunes) and two more remixes commissioned by Asynton.
«Reductive+» is Eyephone’s original debut album, and includes nine previously unreleased tracks that were not featured in the original CD version.
Eyephone website:
complete Eyephone catalogue out now!
Archiaro, Italy: an open-air concert by Marc Behrens, at Archiaro, Italy.
July 5, 2014, 6:00 PM
Palermo, Italy: a concert by Marc Behrens, at Border Line, P.zza Fonderia/P.tta Tarzanà, Palermo, Italy.
June 27, 2014, 11:00 PM
Availabel: The album Marc Behrens – Irregular Characters is now released as digital edition.
buy on Bandcamp
buy on iTunes
out June 2014
Entr’acte: Ho. Turner: The Shrill, cassette (E173), Entr’acte.
The Shrill is a complementary album to Systematic/Synergetic/Synchronistic/Syntonized/Sensitized! (E169, 2014). Edited and produced by Marc Behrens for Entr’acte, 2014.
June 2014
Impulsive Habitat: Marc Behrens: Recurrent, album, mp3/FLAC. Released by Impulsive Habitat.
free download
a short YouTube clip of the original installation
May 20, 2014
Availabel: The Eyephone project started in 1994 and stopped in 1997. Eyephone released one 12" and four CD albums (one together with Atom™ – as Atom Heart) between 1995 and 2001. Some live-performances (with Atom Heart and Clifford Gilberto) and DJ appearances took place in the same period.
Eyephone – Devolution+ is the first of three enhanced albums scheduled to be re-released May through July 2014, each album featuring the original (and complete) material plus previously unreleased tracks and have been re-mastered by Atom™.
purchase through Bandcamp:
out now!
Availabel, a label for some of my works in digital-only format. One of the first activities will be re-releasing an old techno-related project from the 1990s, masterfully re-mastered by my friend and colleague Atom™. Devolution+ will be the first of three Eyephone albums for the next months, each album featuring the original (and complete) material plus previously unreleased tracks. On bandcamp and some of your usual digital distributors. Stay tuned... Here’s a little prelisten from Eyephone – Devolution+:
starting May 30, 2014
DEGEM WebRadio @ ZKM, Germany: a 117-minute feature of mostly recent work by Marc Behrens, and the artist in conversation with Michael Harenberg (in german language). Press radio button E.
April 01–May 31, 2014
Darmstadt, Germany: a concert by Salto Barani (aka Gregor von Sivers) and Marc Behrens, at Oetinger Villa, Kranichsteiner Str. 81, Darmstadt, Germany.
April 11, 2014, 9:30 PM
Entr’acte: Ho. Turner: Systematic/Synergetic/Synchronistic/Syntonized/Sensitized!, cassette (E169), Entr’acte.
Systematic/Synergetic/Synchronistic/Syntonized/Sensitized! is a mix of short tracks from between ca. 1979 and 1987 that offers a glimpse into the time and sonic space in which Ho. Turner (1948–2012) operated. Edited and produced by Marc Behrens for Entr’acte, 2014.
April 2014
Editions Mego: Atom™ & Marc Behrens: Bauteile, CD/digital, Editions Mego.
Recorded on Earth, 1987–2013.
Produced, assembled, edited, mixed and mastered at Bowman Suite, Santiago, Chile.
Violin: Carlos Zingaro.
Design: Volkmar Hoppe and the artists.
The over 70 minutes of «Bauteile» (German for «construction parts») were recorded from 1987 through 2013 and edited into a continuous flow over the last three years. Atom™ and Marc Behrens met during the heyday of the German Techno movement and have since ever pursued extensive research in all areas of contemporary music. Their findings, a sonification of their investigations, which span effectively two centuries of musical development, are now released as an album for the first time by Editions Mego.
release date: March 31, 2014
Darmstadt, Germany: an exhibition with works by Ho. Turner (1948–2012), curated together with Volkmar Hoppe. At Fenstergalerie Will, Dieburger Staße 56, 64287 Darmstadt, Germany.
opening March 27, 2014, 7:00 PM
March 28 through April 4, 2014, 3:00–6:00 PM
2013 Various sound works by Marc Behrens produced for Deutschlandradio Kultur are available as streaming audio now from
now online
Darmstadt, Germany: FLUGZEUGE UND WOLKENBEWOHNER, RADIOGEHEIMNISSE UND NATURKLÄNGE a presentation at the secondary school Bertolt-Brecht-Schule «Brecht Extra» [in German language].
December 16, 2013
11:30 AM–1:00 PM
i2ads/FBAUP, Porto, Portugal: COATHANGERS, an article about two artists with unusual relationships to their means of production, about reenactment and old new media (phono and photo) and about totalitarism in «digital culture», published in the book «Mono #2, Cochlear Poetics: Writings on Music and Sound Arts» by i2ads/FBAUP, Porto, Portugal, ISBN 978-989-98745-0-3, ISSN 1646-7388.
Facebook event
release December 13, 2013
Valparaiso, Chile: Marc Behrens participates in the «Festival de Arte Sonoro Tsonami 2013» with the concert hybrid CLOULD and the installation CONTRAACT.
December 03–08, 2013
concert December 05
Coimbra, Portugal: Live concerts by @C and Marc Behrens, DJ set by Paulo Vinhas, celebrating 10 years of the Porto-based music label Crónica. At Salão Brazil, Largo do Poço 3, Coimbra, Portugal.
Facebook event
November 09, 2013, 10:00 PM
Deutschlandradio Kultur, Germany: Atom™ & Marc Behrens: BAUTEILE 2, broadcast by Deutschlandradio Kultur, Germany, including new material and Carlos Zingaro: violin. «We postulate that any musical structure exists in a kind of historical and stylistic weightlessness and therefore basically can drift through all styles and epochs.»
November 01, 2013, 0:05 AM
(the night of October 31 to November 01, German local time)
hr2-Kultur | The Artist’s Corner, Germany: broadcast of CROWD by Marc Behrens, a composition about human crowds in various cultures and situations. Produced by WDR 3 open: Studio Akustische Kunst, editor Markus Heuger. Some additional source material by Claudio Curciotti and Matthias Kispert.
September 21, 2013, 23:05 PM
ProgressDeutschlandradio Kultur, Germany: world premiere broadcast of PROGRESS, a radio piece probing into layers of the artist’s own family history since 1869, contemporary and technological history, connected through their subjective examination using psychomagic rituals. Broadcast in German. Produced by Deutschlandradio Kultur – Klangkunst, editor Marcus Gammel. You can now listen to the broadcast here for some time:
September 06, 2013, 0:05 AM
(the night of September 05 to September 06, German local time)
Viseu, Portugal: a live concert by Marc Behrens at the Jardins Efémeros festival. Museu Grão Vasco (claustro), Viseu, Portugal.
Jardins Efémeros
July 26, 2013, 10:00 PM
Porto, Portugal: participating in three concerts centering on various analogue sound media: radio, tape and vinyl. Concept by Vitor Joaquim and João Ricardo. At Passos Manuel, Porto, Portugal.
facebook event
Radio – July 10, 2013, 10:30 PM
Tape – July 17, 2013, 10:30 PM
Vinyl – July 20, 2013, 10:30 PM
Porto, Portugal: Atom™ & Marc Behrens: live concert BAUTEILE at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Goethe-Institut Porto. Visuals and programming by Dienststelle/Karl Kliem. Please note that Atom™ will only be present virtually. At FBAUP, Av. Rodrigues de Freitas, 265, 4049-021 Porto, Portugal.
50 Jahre Goethe-Institut in Portugal
June 1, 2013, 6:00 PM
Córdoba, Argentina: live concert and workshop «Taller de (des)grabaciones de campo» in collaboration with Alan Courtis. Organized and made possible by the Goethe-Institut Córdoba. CePIA, Faculdad de Artes/UNC, Av. Medina Allende s/n, Ciudad Universitaria.
Goethe-Institut Córdoba
May 9–10, 2013
workshop May 9, 5:00–9:00 PM, May 10, 5:00–7:00 PM
concert May 10, 8:00 PM
Berlin, Germany: the composition A NARROW ANGLE: TAIPEI METRO EASYCARD 500 NT$ (excerpt of phases 1 and 2) was selected in the course of the composition award «Atmosphären» by ZKM | Institut für Musik und Akustik, Karlsruhe, in collaboration with Akademie der Künste, Berlin. The finalists’ works will be presented within the ongoing exhibition «Kultur:Stadt» at Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin, Germany, in the section «Kultur:Stadt. Musik in der Wolke» parallel to sound installations by Christina Kubisch and Peter Ablinger.
May 8–19, 2013
Valparaiso, Chile: live concert and artist talk. Curated by Tsonami Arte Sonoro and with kind support from the Goethe-Institut Santiago. Artist talk: Balmaceda Arte Joven, Sta. Isabel esq. Lautaro Rozas, concert: Sala Músicamara, Centro de Extensión de la Universidad de Valparaíso, Errázuriz 1108.
Tsonami Arte Sonoro
May 2–3, 2013
artist talk May 2, 7:00 PM
concert May 3, 7:00 PM
Marc Behrens appears on two tracks («My Generation» and «Strom») of Atom™’s album HD (Raster-Noton, Germany).
March 18, 2013
new release: QUEENDOM MAYBE RISE, CD (Crónica, Portugal)
The track QUEENDOM features the mighty Yôko Higashi, aka hamaYôko.
March 04, 2013
new release: IRREGULAR CHARACTERS, limited edition CD/booklet (Serralves/SOOPA, Portugal)
February 2013
i2ADS, Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto/Hotel Dom Henrique, Porto, Portugal: «Mundo de Cristal * Máquina da Selva * Irregular Characters», presentation of two publications by HHY & Beast Box and Marc Behrens, artist talk, audio/video/slide projections, lecture. Produced by Fundação de Serralves/SOOPA. With kind support of Goethe-Institut Portugal, Hotel Dom Henrique, i2ADS/FBAUP. Participants: Jonathan Saldanha, Marc Behrens, Manuel Neto, Miguel Leal, Pedro Rocha, Rui Eduardo Paes, Diogo Dória.
February 21, 2013
3:00 PM: FBAUP (Aula Magna)
9:30 PM: Hotel Dom Henrique (Bar 17°)
CTM.13, HAU1, Stresemannstr. 29, 10963 Berlin, Germany:
Atom™ & Marc Behrens will present their collaboration project BAUTEILE on the opening night of CTM.13, alongside Matmos and a solo project by Atom™. Check the full info and lineup on CTM.13’s website.
January 28, 2013, 7:00 PM
Dundalk, Ireland: guest tutorial and participation in «New Music Week», at the Music & Media Department of DkIT, Dundalk Institute of Technology.
November 15, 2012, 2:30–4:00 PM
Mire de Tibães, Braga, Portugal: A new version of the installation GGAAFFISEC will be shown at the group exhibition «God Factor» at the Mosteiro São Martinho de Tibães, Rua do Mosteiro, 59, 4700-565 Mire de Tibães, Braga, Portugal. Curated by Inês Valle. An artist talk featuring Filipe Marques, Maciel Cardeira and Marc Behrens is set for November 17.
November 10, 2012 – December 22, 2012
opening: November 10, 3:00 PM
artist talk: November 17, 3:30 PM–5:30 PM
Maynooth, Ireland: guest tutorial at NUI Maynooth, Music Department, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland.
November 9, 2012
UNIT and CUTTING QINGHAI, CD and limited edition book (and/OAR, USA). Limited to 50 copies book + CD and 250 copies CD only.
out now!
Deutschlandradio Kultur, Germany: world premiere broadcast of collaboration project: Atom™ & Marc Behrens. BAUTEILE is a 52-minute composition produced for airplay drawing from a large pool of musical structures and fragments, some of them having been recorded as early as 1987.
"We postulate that any musical structure exists in a kind of historical and stylistic weightlessness and therefore basically can drift through all styles and epochs."
Live-Stream (Flash) (Ogg) (WMP) (mp3)
This is a one time only broadcast without download option. Check your time zone, don’t miss it...
October 19, 2012
0:05 AM (which is not the night of the 19th, but the morning of the 19th German time zone)

Karlsruhe, Germany: Live concert (Marc Behrens and Richard Francis) at ZKM_Kubus, ZKM, Lorenzstr. 19, 76135 Karlsruhe, Germany. Admission 5 €.
September 18, 2012
8:00 PM
Stuttgart, Germany: Live concert at EMBKT Sommerfestival at stromraum/studio, König-Karl-Strasse 27, Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, Germany.
September 14, 2012
8:00 PM
Bera and Donostia/San Sebastián, Spain (Basque Country): Live concert at ERTZ #13 Festival. At Berako Kultur Etxea, Eztegara, 11, Bera, Nafarroa, Spain.
September 8, 2012
11:15 PM

Darmstadt-Dieburg, Germany: Participation in the conference «The Global Composition, Conference on Sound, Media and the Environment». At Hochschule Darmstadt, Media Campus Dieburg, Germany.

July 25–28, 2012
Lisbon, Portugal: Participation in and co-organisation of the event «Opensound Lisboa», taking place within the «Metasonic/Opensound» festival at Goethe-Institut Portugal and IPA – Instituto Superior Autónomo de Estudos Politécnicos, hosted and organized by Granular.
Opensound Lisboa event program
June 25–29, 2012
Crowdframework radio, Estonia: framework:afield #378: THAIPUSAM presented by Marc Behrens, documentary podcast of trance music and other material recorded at the Thaipusam 2012 celebrations at Batu Caves, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
framework radio
framework radio broadcast schedule
starting June 3, 2012
11:00 PM (U.K. @ Resonance FM 104.4 FM)
Milano, Italy: participation in group exhibition «Ultrabody, 208 opere tra arte e design» with VORLESEFINGER [reading finger] at Castello Sforzesco, Sale Viscontee, Piazza Castello, 20121 Milano, Italy.
April 19–June 17, 2012
inauguration on April 18, 7:00 PM
Guimarães, Portugal: in situ presentation of the new acousmatic work MAYBE RISE at Rádio Sonores, Curator’s Lab, Fábrica Asa, Covas-Polvoreira, 4835-157 Guimarães, Portugal (Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture). Rádio Sonores is programmed by SOOPA. The artist will be present.
May 2, 2012
10:00 PM
Dundalk, Ireland: Marc Behrens featuring Yôko Higashi: QUEENDOM, participation in «Mix Tape #01», presented by Hilary Mullaney at Musica Nova Dundalk Institute of Technology, Co. Louth, Ireland. Venue: Fr McNally Recital Room, School of Informatics and Creative Arts, PJ Carroll’s Building, DkIT. The artists will not be present.
May 2, 2012
5:15 PM
Palermo, Italy: Concerts by Domenico Sciajno, Brusio Netlabel, Klein Bottle, Marc Behrens. Teatro Garibaldi Aperto, Piazza Magione, Palermo.
April 26, 2012
10:00 PM
Palermo, Italy: Artist talk and presentation at Accademia Belle Arti di Palermo, Via Papireto, 1, Palermo. Venue: Aula Magna. The event is open to the public.
April 24, 2012
12:00 PM
WDR 3 Radio, Germany: World premiere broadcast of CROWD, a composition about human crowds in various cultures and situations. Produced by WDR 3 open: Studio Akustische Kunst, editor Markus Heuger. Some additional source material by Claudio Curciotti and Matthias Kispert. The piece will be up as a download for a week after broadcast. Recording at Thaipusam, Kuala Lumpur, with kind support of Goethe-Institut Malaysia.
Listen Listen [inactive]
download Download from March 24 for 1 week [inactive]
March 23, 2012
11:05 PM (GMT+1)
LIVE AT NATAL DOS EXPERIMENTAIS 2011, Crónicast 090: Marc Behrens (Crónica, Portugal)
out now!
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: an acousmatic concert at Indicine, KLPac, Sentul Park, Jalan Strachan (off Jalan Ipoh), 51100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Organized by Herbal International, supported by Goethe-Institut Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Center.
February 3, 2012
8:30 PM
Malaysia: Field recording trip to the Thaipusam festival, in conjunction with the production of the radiophonic piece CROWD, commissioned by WDR 3 open: Studio Akustische Kunst; Germany, and supported by Goethe-Institut Malaysia.
February 2–10, 2012
Final Final BalletFINAL FINAL BALLET, 12"/mp3, rerelease of a CD from 1998, remastered version, 4 tracks on 45" RPM vinyl, 4 tracks as complementary download (Entr'acte, U.K.)
out now!
Final Final BalletMOBILIZATION OF ECSTASY, on: «Istanbul Split», CD (Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar/~tildmusic, Germany).
This release is now available in digital format from iTunes and Amazon.
out now!
Frankfurt am Main, Germany: A solo concert at «Acousmain». Atelierfrankfurt, Hohenstaufenstr. 13–25, 60327 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
December 22, 2011, 9:00 PM
Porto, Portugal: Participating in «Natal dos Experimentais», a Crónica event. At Passos Manuel, Rua Passos Manuel 137, 4000-385 Porto, Portugal. Line-up: Manuel Mota, Carlos Santos, @c, Marc Behrens, Ana Carvalho, paL & Carl Minnemann. DJs: Crónica. Admission free!
December 16, 2011, 10:30 PM–1:30 AM some of Marc Behrens’ sound works will be available as streamed audio from this website, which is a joined effort by Deutschlandradio Kultur, Berlin, Germany, and Musée Réattu, Arles, France.
starting December 10, 2011
Isola di Favignana/Palermo, Italy: Participating as member of Granular in «Live!iXem 2011», organized by AntiTesi, Palermo, Sicily/Italia, in the framework of «Opensound – A European Sound Network». The workshops will be hosted in the old Tonnara factory site on the island of Favignana (off Trapani), Sicily/Italia. The concerts will take place at Chiesa di Santa Eulalia dei Catalani alla Vucciria (Istituto Cervantes), Palermo, Sicily/Italia.
Live!Ixem 2011
December 8–11, 2011
workshop December 8, 2011, 10:00 AM–1:00 PM, Favignana
concert December 10, 2011, 10:00–10:30 PM, Palermo
FrameworkYES, CHINA, on: «Framework Seasonal Autumn 2011» CDR (Framework Radio, Estonia)
October 2011
PoststopNEIGHBOUR GS, NEIGHBOUR 3F, and NEIGHBOUR J*J*J, on: «The Futureplaces Impromptu All-Stars Orchestra: Poststop», CD (Crónica, Portugal). The CD will be launched during the Futureplaces 2011 event. Artists include: Blaine L. Reininger, @C, Anselmo Canha, autodigest, Filipe Silva, João Martins, Heitor Alvelos.
launch event October 20, 2011
20 Zonen20 ZONEN, CD (Auf Abwegen, Germany)
October 2011
Animistic digitalANIMISTIC [FOR DONATELLA], re-release of a CD from 2004 in digital format and remastered version (Auf Abwegen, Germany)
October 2011
October 2011
Montréal, Canada: An acousmatic concert at «Akousma 8» Festival, October 12–15, 2011, presenting the pieces QUEENDOM; SLEPPET (2–3) AVALANCHES, WATER AND STONES; SLEPPET (4) GLACIER and IRREGULAR CHARACTERS in special multichannel versions. Other participating artists: Pierre-Yves Macé, David Kristian/Marie Davidson, Hélène Prévost, Stephan Mathieu, i8u, Robert Hampson, Horacio Vaggione. Venue: Usine C, 1345, Avenue Lalonde, Montréal (QC) H2L 5A9. Curated by Reseaux des arts mediatiques.
October 15, 2011, 8:00 PM
Montréal, Canada: A lecture at Concordia University, 1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W., Montréal, Canada.
October 14, 2011, 2:15 PM
DEGEM CD 10Marc Behrens curated and produced the upcoming compilation DEGEM CD 10 «Replace» for the German Association of Electroacoustic Music (DEGEM) to be released on EDITION DEGEM. The CD will be presented at the DEGEM general assembly in Braunschweig, Germany. CD artists: Denise Ritter, Nicolas Wiese, Matthias Ockert, Marcus Beuter, Nikolaus Heyduck, Sam Auinger, Bernd Leukert, Sciss, Jan Jacob Hofmann, Frank Niehusmann, Michael Harenberg, Kirsten Reese, Ludger Kisters, <SA/JO>.
Also, please check a presentation of the CD project on DEGEM webradio (in German language).
October 8, 2011
Framework radio, Estonia: Some of Marc Behrens’ work is featured in framework #345. Check the «Broadcast» tab for the available broadcasts. Afterwards a podcast will be available.
Framework Radio
starting October 02, 2011

Lisbon, Portugal: «Espaços de Ouvir, Espaços de Arquitectura, Conceitos de Instalação Sonora», a workshop within the 2nd Summer school at IPA – Instituto Superior Autónomo de Estudos Politécnicos, Rua D. Luis I, 20 D, Lisboa (Santos/Cais do Sodré). Inscriptions until September 9 via telephone +351 218 610 360 or email In collaboration with Granular.
IPA - Instituto Superior Autónomo de Estudos Politécnicos

September 16, 2011, 7:00–11:00 PM and
September 17, 2011, 2:00–4:00 PM
Lisbon, Portugal: A concert and artist talk, presenting CLOUD, a work-in-progress.
At Culturgest (Sala B), Edifício Sede da Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Rua Arco do Cego, Piso 1, 1000-300 Lisboa. Featured in the cycle «Vinte e Sete Sentidos», curated by Granular.
September 14, 2011
6:30 PM
Cairns, Australia: A concert at Arthouse, 240 Scott St, Cairns, Far North Queensland, Australia. Curated by The House of Falcon.
July 09, 2011
8:00 PM

Porto, Portugal: Participation with a tiny art piece called WHAT MAKES THE ANT CLIMB THE SKY in the group exhibition «Rencontre avec le maître dans l’abîme» at Navio Vazio, Rua da Alegria N° 134-A, Porto, Portugal. Participating artists: Clara Batalha, Genesis Breyer P-Orridge, Ana Carvalho, Ricardo Nicolau, Pedro Nora, Jonathan Saldanha, Marc Behrens. Curated by Braço de Ferro.

July 01 through July 09, 2011
opening July 01, 6:00 PM


Perth/Melbourne/Brisbane/Sydney, Australia: Participation in the 12th edition of the «Liquid Architecture» festival of Sound Arts; concerts, artist talks. Other participating artists are: Pascal Battus, Lucas Simonis, Ross Bolleter, Lizzie Pogson, David Chesworth, Dave Brown, James Rushford and Joe Talia.
Concert Perth: Club Zho at The Bakery, 233 James St, Northbridge. Co-produced with Tura New Music.
Artist talk Perth: PICA (Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts), Perth Cultural Centre, James St., Northbridge. Co-produced with Tura New Music.
Concert Melbourne: 3RRR Performance Space, 221 Nicholson St, Brunswick East, Melbourne.
Concert Brisbane: Brisbane Powerhouse, 119 Lamington St, New Farm, Brisbane.
Concert Sydney: Eugene Goossens Theatre ABC, 700 Harris St, Ultimo, Sydney.

June 27, 2011, 7:30 PM: concert Perth
June 28, 2011, 6:00 PM: artist talk Perth
June 30, 2011, 7:30 PM: concert Melbourne
July 01, 2011, 8:15 PM: concert Brisbane
July 02, 2011, 7:30 PM: concert Sydney

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: A concert, Kuala Lumpur Gallery, Kuala Lumpur Library, No. 1, Jalan Raja, Kuala Lumpur (Behind Dataran Merdeka). Also playing live: Goh Lee Kwang, Intensive Flooding Signals. Presented by Switch ON and Goethe-Institut Malaysia.

June 25, 2011
8:30 PM

New York City, USA: A residency at Diapason gallery. CANCELLED.
April/May, 2011 CANCELLED
Radio hr2-kultur, Germany: Broadcast of the 52-minute sound piece BUSHDESERTRAINFOREST. The piece is based on sound recordings made during extensive travels 2008–2009 in South Africa (Krüger National Park and Kalahari desert), Namibia (Namib desert) and the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. The piece was produced by WDR 3 open: Studio Akustische Kunst, editor Markus Heuger and premiered October 2, 2009.
April 20, 2011
8:30 PM
Porto, Portugal: A concert at the Matéria Prima shop at Rua da Picaria, 84, 4050-477 Porto, on the occasion of «Record Store Day». Pedro Almeida aka paL will play at 7:00 PM.
April 16, 2011
6:00 PM
Falmouth, UK: Contributing one drone sound file to «(Un) Pleasant Over Drones», an mp3/CD-R project included in the «Resound Falmouth 2011» festival.
March 25–27, 2011
Along the Paiva River, Portugal: Presentation of artworks at «Paivascapes #1, Paiva River Sound Festival», including the installation RECURRENT (located in the village of Espiunca) and the sound piece PAIVA PLAYERS by Marc Behrens. Vila Nova de Paiva, Castro Daire, São Pedro do Sul, Arouca, Castelo de Paiva; Portugal. Organized and curated by Binaural/Nodar.
March 04–08, 2011
installation presented March 07, 2:30 PM
February 2011
Porto, Portugal: participation in «Natal dos Experimentais» by the Crónica label, included in «Clubbing Optimus». Live performances by @c, Marc Behrens, Vitor Joaquim, Nuno Aroso, Tam, Eosin. Casa da Música (sala Cybermúsica), Avenida da Boavista, 604-610, 4149-071 Porto, Portugal.
December 10, 2010
11:00 PM
Nantes, France: «Beyond Signal #19», concerts by Marc Behrens, Domenico Sciajno, Julien Ottavi, Xabier Erkizia, Ryan Jordan, Julien Poidevin. Atelier Bitche, 3 rue de Bitche, Nantes, France.
December 03, 2010
8:30 PM
Radio hr2-kultur, Germany: «Hessen Hören 8 – 20 Zonen – Darmstadt», world premiere broadcast of 20 ZONEN, a 40-minute sound piece about Darmstadt, Germany (and specifically the Kranichstein district). In the framework of the project «Hessen Hören». Produced by German radio hr2-kultur/Neue Musik, editor Stefan Fricke.
November 27, 2010
23:05 PM–0:00 AM (+1)
Deutschlandradio Kultur, Germany: Broadcast of the 52-minute sound piece BUSHDESERTRAINFOREST. The piece is based on sound recordings made during extensive travels 2008–2009 in South Africa (Krüger National Park and Kalahari desert), Namibia (Namib desert) and the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. The piece was produced by WDR 3 open: Studio Akustische Kunst, editor Markus Heuger and premiered October 2, 2009.
November 19, 2010
00:05 AM
Porto, Portugal: Marc Behrens IRREGULAR CHARACTERS, a sound and light piece, presented in the cycle of events «Tributo a J. G. Ballard.» Reinterpretations of Yasunao Tone’s «Solos for Wounded CDs» by Marc Behrens and Paulo Raposo. Auditório de Serralves, Rua Dom João de Castro, 210, Porto, Portugal. Program change: as a «bonus,» Ana Carvalho and Marc Behrens read from their work EACH MINUTE DRAWS POSSIBILITIES OF PARALLEL FUTURES; Paulo Raposo unfortunately had to cancel on short notice.
November 05, 2010
10:00 PM–11:00 PM
La MutazioneLA MUTAZIONE, on: «Michelangelo Antonioni – Trilogy And Epilogue», double CD dedicated to the late Italian film maker Michelangelo Antonioni’s tetralogy («L'Avventura», «La Notte», «L'Eclisse», «Il Deserto Rosso») (and/OAR, USA)
released October 2010
Porto, Portugal: the designer’s collective Colönia used a 1-minute fragment of FOR DIMITRIS by Marc Behrens, based on a melody by Ilios for a video advertising the opening of their new space and micro gallery.
October 30, 2010, 4:30–8:00 PM
Cologne, Germany: BUSHDESERTRAINFOREST, 52-minute sound piece presented on headphones in the exhibition «SoundART 2010», Praetorium, Kleine Budengasse 2, 50667 Köln. The piece was produced by WDR 3 open: Studio Akustische Kunst, editor Markus Heuger and premiered October 2, 2009.
Marc Behrens will also perform the concert piece SUSTAINED REVOLUTION at the exhibition opening night.
October 27–November 07, 2010
opening and concert October 27, 7:00 PM
Radio Grenouille, Lokomotif Art, Açik Radyo, Marseille, France/Istanbul, Turkey: MOBILIZATION OF ECSTASY, broadcast featured in «Sound Shift: Marseille – Istanbul» festival.
October 16 and 17, 2010
Porto, Portugal: the collectively written TEXT TO BE NAMED, «A Conversation as Storytelling, through Questions and Answers», by Ana Carvalho, Marc Behrens and Heitor Alvelos, published in «Calling All Futures», the book accompanying Futureplaces 2010.
October 16, 2010
Porto, Portugal: Artist talk SOUND EMBRACING CONTEXT at Futureplaces 2010, Maus Hábitos, Rua Passos Manuel 178, 4°, 4000-382 Porto, Portugal.
October 16, 2010, 2:30 PM
Porto, Portugal: coordinator in workshop «Collaboratory: Neighborhood Science», by MediaLab Prado, Blaine L. Reininger and Anselmo Canha, at Futureplaces 2010, C.C.STOP, Rua do Heroísmo, Porto, Portugal.
October 12–13, 2010
October 16, 2010, 22:30 PM (workshop concert)
Nodar, Portugal: A residency at Binaural, Nodar, Portugal, within the framework of the «Paivascapes #1» project.
October 01–11, 2010
Darmstadt, Germany: Participation in a symposium connected to the exhibition «Das Menschenbild in unserer Zeit», organized by the artists association Darmstädter Sezession. Lectures by Martin Schneider, Annegret Soltau, Dr. Wolfgang Zumdick and Marc Behrens. Kunsthalle Darmstadt, Steubenplatz 1, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany.
Darmstädter Sezession
September 18, 2010
2:30 PM
London, U.K.: «Field Studies» – a four-day summer workshop exploring architecture and the city through listening and recorded sound, led by Justin Bennett, John Levack Drever and Marc Behrens. Faculty of Architecture and Spatial Design, London Metropolitan University. Organised by Musarc.
September 13–16, 2010
Marl, Germany: BUSHDESERTRAINFOREST, 52-minute sound piece presented on headphones in the exhibition «Ausstellung Deutscher Klangkunstpreis 2010» in the Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl. The piece was produced by WDR 3 open: Studio Akustische Kunst, editor Markus Heuger and broadcast October 2, 2009. For more information please check the museum’s websites.
August 22–October 03, 2010
opening August 22, 11:00 AM
EACH MINUTE DRAWS POSSIBILITIES OF PARALLEL FUTURES, written in collaboration with Ana Carvalho.
A printed version will be published in: «Sonic Ideas/Ideas Sónicas, Vol 3 No. 1», Magazine (Mexican Center for Music and Sonic Arts, CMMAS).
An online version can be accessed through any of these addresses:
online version published 21 July, 2010
printed version forthcoming SUSTAINED REVOLUTION, a podcast by Marc Behrens. Hosted by, curated by Simon Hampson [discontinued, but re-posted on SoundCloud].
download and listen
July 12, 2010

Crónica L: Crónica is publishing its 50th release, and celebrating it with a new compilation CD to be freely distributed to all the subscribers of the Neural magazine. The release features the collaborative piece MOUTH TO MOUSE, composed together with Turkish artist Cem Güney.
Crónica L
released June 24, 2010
Marl, Deutscher Klangkunstpreis: Marc Behrens is happy to be going to be awarded the «Produktionspreis des Kulturradios WDR 3» (Production Award of WDR 3 Culture Radio) which is featured in the Deutscher Klangkunstpreis 2010 (German Sound Art Award). The ceremony for all finalists will take place on June 20 in Marl, Germany.
WDR Pressemitteilung
Award ceremony June 20, 2010
Marc Behrens APPARATUS, a work for installed simultaneous headphones and loudspeakers and text, featured in the «Phonebox» series of exhibitions, curated by Danish artists Rune Søchting and Kristoffer Akselbo. Other artists featured in this series: Stephen Vitiello, Alejandra & Aeron, Steve Roden, Ultra-Red and Jio Shimizu. At IMO, Ny Carlsberg Vej 68 OG, DK-1760 Copenhagen, Denmark.
Apparatus installation
opening May 28, 2010
exhibition May 29–June 10, 2010

composition for headphone listening, featured in group exhibition «Headscapes». Participating artists: Alexandra von Bassen, Marc Behrens, Runxia Deng, Sun-Mi Han, Daniel Henrich, Soe-Ryang Kim, Hye-Kyoung Kwon, Peter Strickmann, Stefan Zintel. Besenkammer – etwas Raum für Kunst, Rosenstr. 14, 66111 Saarbrücken, Germany. An audio CD will be produced on the occasion of the exhibition. This exhibition is the final presentation of a project at the Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar, Germany, within the department Audiovisual Arts led by Christina Kubisch. Exhibition with works by students curated by Marc Behrens and Stefan Zintel, organized by Peter Strickmann. A web radio broadcast of the complete CD will be hosted, courtesy of Ema Bonifacic, by AARadio (Architectural Association Independent Radio) simultaneous to the exhibition [discontinued].
May 27, 2010
until June 24, 2010, Thu–Sat 3:00–6:00 PM
opening May 27, 2010, 8:00 PM
broadcast from May 27, 2010 on
Marc Behrens participates in the group exhibition «Hermész Füle», Piros Fekete Galéria, Budapest II, Fény u. 20–22, Hungary.
April 29, 2010–May 30, 2010
opening April 28, 2010, 6:00 PM
Marc Behrens radio show at Dataplex, Radio Galère, Marseille, France.
May 04, 2010
10:00 PM
Marc Behrens live at L’Embobineuse/Data, Marseille, France.
May 02, 2010
8:30 PM
Marc Behrens live at Le Bon Accueil, 74 canal Saint-Martin, 35700 Rennes, France.
April 30, 2010
8:30 PM
Marc Behrens live at Musée des Beaux Arts – Nantes, France. Featured in «Cycle Modulation[s]». Curated by Colletif HUB.
April 29, 2010
6:30 PM
Marc Behrens SLEPPET (4) GLACIER featured in the music program at «Highlight-Lounge», thema studio, Ludwigstr. 180E (via Nordring), 63067 Offenbach. In the course of the Luminale festival.
Highlight Lounge
April 11–16, 2010
10 AM–10 PM
Marc Behrens participates in the project «Rossmarkt3» in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, as a sound expert. Read more Rossmarkt3
March 2010–October 2010


Qwartz 6 Cronica 41
Marc Behrens’ anthology album COMPILATION WORKS 1996–2005 (Crónica, Portugal) ( download unlimited edition – and donate) has been nominated for the Qwartz 6 Music Award (in the «Anthologies» category). Award ceremony for all winners and nominated artists April 2. Music fair «Marché international des musiques nouvelles» April 2–3. Check Qwartz website for directions and information.

April 2, 2010 ceremony
April 2–3, 2010 fair
Marc Behrens LAGO MAMORI, BRAZIL, DEC 6, 2008, a field recording made in the Amazon rainforest will be featured in the 24-hour broadcast program of «ToBe Continued», Stazione di Topolò. Simultaneously broadcasted by Radio Onde Furlane, Udine, italy and Radio Zéro, Portugal. Curated by Antonio Della Marina and Moreno Miorelli.
March 24, 2010
0:00 AM–12:00 PM
Behrens 3:00–3:30 AM

Qwartz 6 Cronica 41
Marc Behrens’ anthology album COMPILATION WORKS 1996–2005 (Crónica, Portugal) has been nominated for the Qwartz 6 Music Award (in the «Anthologies» category).
You can vote for it here until March 15, 2010
You can download that album here:
download unlimited edition – and donate
buy limited edition – and download

until March 15, 2010
HBKSaar, Saarbrücken, Germany: A 10-minute concert by Marc Behrens, during and on occasion of the SR-Medienkunstpreis award ceremony for Christina Kubisch at HBKSaar (Academy of Fine Arts), Saarbrücken, Germany.
January 29, 2010
after 7:30 PM
Radio Grenouille, Marseille, France: World premiere broadcast of Marc Behrens: «Mobilization of Ecstasy». Included in a thematic broadcast about Istanbul, which lasts the whole day.
January 06, 2010
9:15 AM
A field recording trip to Marseille and Aix-en-Provence, France. Together with Christina Kubisch, Stefan Zintel, and students of the Academy of Fine Arts, Saarbrücken, Germany.
December 14–20, 2009
Listening room for all the finalist’s work of the Phonurgia Nova 2009 competition. SLEPPET (2–3) AVALANCHES, WATER AND STONES by Marc Behrens is included in the «Art radiophonique» section. Musée Réattu (Commanderie St Luce), Arles, France.
December 12, 2009
9:00–12:00 AM, 2:00–7:00 PM
Production of the sound art group exhibit «100 mal Saarbrücken Hören» with a student group from the Academy of Fine Arts in Saarbrücken (project team: Christina Kubisch, Stefan Zintel, Marc Behrens). Part of the group exhibition «Kenn-Zeichen SB». Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Germany.
October 10 through November 22, 2009
opening October 9, 2009
7:00 PM
Marc Behrens «Musical Composition with Field Recordings», a short talk in the academic conference «Digital Doorways», in the framework of futureplaces2009 Digital Media Festival, University of Porto, Reitoria, Praça Gomes Teixeira Porto, Portugal.
October 15, 2009
12:15 AM–1:00 PM
A concert at futureplaces2009 Digital Media Festival, Casa da Música (sala Cybermúsica), Avenida da Boavista, 604-610, 4149-071 Porto, Portugal.
October 14, 2009
6:00–8:00 PM
World premiere broadcast of the 52-minute sound piece BUSHDESERTRAINFOREST. The piece is based on sound recordings made during extensive travels 2008–2009 in South Africa (Krüger National Park and Kalahari desert), Namibia (Namib desert) and the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. Produced by WDR 3 open: Studio Akustische Kunst, editor Markus Heuger. The work will be available as mp3 download for ca. one week after the broadcast. WDR 3 open: Studio Akustische Kunst
October 2, 2009
11:05 PM
Broadcast of Behrens Heyduck PLASTIC METAL. Broadcast produced by Michael Rebhahn, editor Frank Hilberg. WDR 3 open: Studio elektronische Musik
September 30, 2009
11:05 PM
Concert event «Sonic Objects #4»: Marc Behrens, Radu Malfatti + Lucio Capece vs. Luigi Nono. Introduction by Dr. Ioannis Papachristopoulos (institute of Musicology, University of Cologne). At Kulturbunker Mülheim, Berliner Straße 20, 51063 Köln, Germany.
July 5, 2009
8:30 PM
GGAAFFISEC, a sound installation at Weißfrauen Diakoniekirche, Weserstraße 5, 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
opening May 29, 2009, 7:00 PM
May 30 through June 12, 2009
12:00 AM–4:00 PM
SLEPPET (2–3) AVALANCHES, WATER AND STONES, selected for the concert/exhibition program in the Electrovisiones 2009 encounter. Fonoteca Nacional, Mexico City.
May 1–31, 2009
Marc Behrens plays live at the release party for the «Sleppet» compilation CD. At Landmark, Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, Norway.
May 27, 2009, 10:30 PM
Marc Behrens featuring Yôko Higashi (hamaYôko): participation in the opening ceremony of a consulate for The Kingdoms of Elgaland–Vargaland in Karben, Germany, with a version of the Kingdom’s National Anthem. Location: Leonhardi Kulturprojekte, Burggräfenröderstr. 2, 61184 Karben.
April 11, 2009, 3:00 PM
Concert at Casa da Música, Avenida da Boavista, 604-610, 4149-071 Porto (Clubbing Optimus Abril 2009 | Sala 2, Section Cybermusica).
April 4, 2009
Premiere of RABIES, a music piece for choir and electronics. The piece will be rehearsed in a workshop with the ASD Choir. An artist talk will be featured that evening. Department of Architecture and Spatial Design, London Metropolitan University, Spring House, 40–44 Holloway Road, London N7 8LA, U.K. Nearest tube: Highbury & Islington. Presented by Entr’acte and Musarc in the Chambers 23–27/03/09 event.
March 24, 2009, 6:30 PM

FROM SMALL TOWN HESSIA TO SMALL TOWN CHINA VIA A NORWEGIAN GLACIER, CALVING. Lecture on installation work. Department of Architecture and Spatial Design, London Metropolitan University, Spring House, 40–44 Holloway Road, London N7 8LA, U.K. Nearest tube: Highbury & Islington. Presented by Entr’acte and Musarc in the Chambers 23–27/03/09 event.

March 23, 2009, 6:30 PM
A field recording trip through the Namib and Kalahari deserts.
This is the third field recording trip (after the Kruger National Park in South Africa in spring 2008 and the Amazon rainforest in December 2008) preparing the music project BUSHDESERTRAINFOREST to be realized with the Studio Akustische Kunst at the WDR radio, Germany, later this year.
March 2009
A field recording trip to Istanbul. Along with Christina Kubisch, Stefan Zintel and students of the Academy of Arts in Saarbrücken, Germany.
January 18–23, 2009
A residency at Mamori Art Lab, Mamori Lake, Amazon, Brazil.
December 4–19, 2008
Behrens Heyduck TAPE DISK, live performance at Eschborn K, Jahnstraße 3, 65760 Eschborn, Germany.
October 31, 2008, 8:15 PM
Marc Behrens, video installation ENTITY MÜLHEIM. Presented by New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA) at the 7th annual SOUNDplay Festival, at The Theatre Centre, 1087 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
October 21–25, 2008, 6:00 PM–10:00 PM
October 26, 2008, 12:00 AM–5:00 PM
Live performance at Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, 798 Art District, No. 4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China. Organized by Goethe-Institut China.
September 13, 2008, 1:30 PM
Marc Behrens, live performance at Videotage, No. 13, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Rd., To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. Organized by White Noise Records.
September 10, 2008, 8:00 PM
Marc Behrens, lecture PSYCHOTOPOGRAPHY AND OTHER MOTIVATIONS IN ART at City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR.
September 09, 2008, 3:30–5:30 PM
Sound installation UNIT and the photographic work CUTTING QINGHAI, a participation for «Now in Coming — the Qinghai Project». The Third Guangzhou Triennial «Farewell to Post-Colonialism» at Time Museum, member of Guangdong Museum of Art, Northern Side of the YongTai toll station, Northern Huangbian Road, Baiyun DaDao, Guangzhou, China. The participation is funded by the Goethe-Institut Beijing. With support from the city of Frankfurt am Main (on occasion of the 20th anniversary of city-partnership between Frankfurt am Main and Guangzhou). There will be a live performance by Marc Behrens.
September 06 – November 16, 2008
Opening September 06, 2008, 3:00 PM
live performance September 07, 2008, 2:00 PM
Marc Behrens: radio broadcast on Deutschlandradio Kultur, Klangkunst, featuring new compositions focusing on sound recordings made in Norway and Taiwan: SLEPPET and A NARROW ANGLE (Sound from an Island with Three Names). Curated by Götz Naleppa.
July 25, 2008, 0:05–1:00 AM
Journey into Qinghai Province, China. Preparatory residency for a project within the Third Guangzhou Triennial.
July 21–31, 2008
Realisation of the electronic part of German composer Robin Hoffmann’s orchestra work SCHORF. World premiere, opening concert for Darmstädter Ferienkurse für Neue Musik, hr-Sinfonieorchester, Lucas Vis, conductor. Staatstheater Darmstadt, Kleines Haus, Darmstadt, Germany.
July 5, 2008, 8:00 PM
visit www.mbehrensdesign.deMarc Behrens Design Website and poster
June 2008
Marc Behrens: 2 concerts and a lecture at UNYAZI 2008, FEAR OF THE KNOWN, Extreme Listening Festival and Symposium, University of Cape Town, Cape Town; University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town; University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. Curated by James Webb, Marc Behrens’ participation is sponsored by the Goethe Institut Johannesburg, produced by the South African Section of the International Society for Contemporary Music.
Line-up features: Brandon LaBelle, Asmus Tiechens, Éric La Casa, Jason Kahn, Sudden Infant, Lawrence English, Philip Samartzis, and many others.
March 12–16, 2008
TAPE DISK (2005–2007), concert Behrens Heyduck (Marc Behrens and Nikolaus Heyduck) at «raum für kultur» der Dresdner Bank, Gallileo-Hochhaus, Gallusanlage 7, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Featured in the «frequenzen» concert series, organized by the Frankfurt Association for Contemporary Music (FGNM) and Dresdner Bank.
December 12, 2007
«Experiment Technik», a round table discussion between musicologist Sabine Sanio and composers Marc Behrens, Frank Gerhardt, Robin Hoffmann, Nikolaus Heyduck and Bernd Thewes. Featured in the «resonanzen» program, organized by the Frankfurt Association for Contemporary Music (FGNM) and the Institute for Contemporary Music (IzM) within the Academy of Music and Performing Arts Frankfurt. Kleiner Saal der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst, Eschersheimer Landstraße 29–39, 60322 Frankfurt am Main.
December 5, 2007
A performance by André Gonçalves, Éric la Casa, Achim Wollscheid and Marc Behrens at Atlantic Waves 2007, London, U.K. Curated by SIRR. At the ICA – Institute of Contemporary Art, The Mall, London SW1, U.K.
November 11, 2007
«No 'real' Nuts, no Apples, no Garlic». Entr'acte labelnight. Co-presented by Entr'acte, Odradek and Netwerk. Live: Marc Behrens, Filter Feeder, Kallabris, Sudden Infant, and Esther Venrooy. Netwerk/Centrum voor hedendaagse Kunst, Houtkaai z/n B-9300 Aalst Belgium.
October 20, 2007
A concert by Roel Meelkop and Marc Behrens at Cuba, Achtermannstr. 12, Münster, Germany.
October 5, 2007
Installation CONTINUUM in the «Sleppet», exhibition in Oslo, Norway in the program of Ultima/Oslo Contemporary Music Festival. Participants: Steve Roden, Natasha Barrett, Jana Winderen, Bjarne Kvinnsland, Chris Watson, Marc Behrens. Opening September 29, 14:00. At Møllergata 13, Oslo, Norway.
September 29 through October 14, 2007
Installation CONTINUUM. Participation in the exhibition «Sleppet» in the course of «Grieg2007». Opening August 31, 18:00: Lydgalleriet and Galleri 3,14, Vaagsallmenningen 12, Bergen, Norway. Participants: Steve Roden, Natasha Barrett, Jana Winderen, Bjarne Kvinnsland, Chris Watson, Marc Behrens.
August 31 through September 21, 2007
A concert by Jana Winderen, Natasha Barrett, Bjarne Kvinnsland, Marc Behrens. At Lydgalleriet, Ø Skostredet 3, 5017 Bergen, Norway.
September 1, 2007
Marc Behrens and Paulo Raposo: HADES. Radio broadcast by Götz Naleppa at Deutschlandradio Kultur.
June 15, 2007 is online now - a small web-project about unexpected types of housing in the Rhine-Main area. German and English versions. [discontinued, please go to: IMAGE]
February 2007
Participation in the exhibition «Hermesz Füle» [Hermes Ear], Magyar Mühely Galéria, 1072 Budapest, Akácfa utca 20. Among the participants: Stelarc, Jens Brand, Phill Niblock, Paul Panhuysen, Ben Patterson, Michael Prime, Don Ritter, Jon Rose, Annea Lockwood, and many more.
January 10 through February 10, 2007
Live sound performance in the concert series «Müllmuzik» at Theater Rampe/Fundbüro, Filderstraße 47, 70180 Stuttgart, Germany.
January 19, 2007
DEGEM webradio broadcast:
Marc Behrens. Ein Kurzportrait / A short portrait / 2006 / 38:33. In the «Studioforum» section.
January 01–07 and 22–28, 2007
Live sound performance at The Logos Foundation, Bomastraat 26–28, 9000 Gent, Belgium.
December 7, 2006
Audio-visual project «Immersion 4», featured in «interface, festival for music and related arts», curated by Elke Moltrecht for Ballhaus Naunynstr. Live performance by Philip Brophy / Marc Behrens / Springer|Parker (aka candela2). Kleiner Wasserspeicher, Prenzlauer Berg, Diedenhofer Straße, Berlin, Germany (U2 Senefelder Platz).
September 22, 2006
Live sound performance at «The Place of Dead Roads» exhibition opening by Irish artist Antoin o’hEocha at gallery Art In Progress, 17 Rue St-Paul, Village Saint-Paul, le Marais, Paris, France.
September 13, 2006
Marc Behrens: ARCHITECTURAL COMMENTARIES 4 & 5. Radio broadcast by Götz Naleppa at Deutschlandradio Kultur.
August 18, 2006, 0:05 h
Behrens' composition MULTIPLICATION will be featured in the Tape Music section within the DEGEM Electroacoustic Music Night (Lange Nacht der elektroakustischen Musik), at ISCM World New Music Festival 2006. Theaterhaus T3, Stuttgart, Germany.
July 21/22, 2006
Participation in group show ‘Hermovo Ucho [Hermes Ear]’, Nitrianskej Galerie, Nitra, Slovak Republic. Among the participants: Stelarc, Jens Brand, Phill Niblock, Paul Panhuysen, Ben Patterson, Michael Prime, Don Ritter, Jon Rose, Annea Lockwood, and many more.
April 06 – May 21, 2006
Marc Behrens' sound installation THE UNKNOWN featured in the group exhibition 'Glück und Konsum, Aspekte der Ver-Dinglichung'. Curated by Haike Rausch and Torsten Grosch. At Fluxus Freunde e.V., Pariser Hof, Spiegelgasse 9, Wiesbaden, Germany.
March 17 – April 24, 2006
«Artists across borders», short lecture, featured in the seminar 'Transnationale Professionskulturen' by Dr. Petra Ilyes, Institut für Kulturanthropologie und Europäische Ethnologie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
February 3, 2006
Video screening at Southern Sea Gallery (17–31), Taipei, at Eslite Gallery (17–22), and at Taiwan Museum of Art, Taichung (22–31), Taiwan.
January 17–31, 2006
Live performance, at Taiwan Museum of Art, Taichung, Taiwan.
January 21, 2006
Artist talk, at Eslite Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.
January 20, 2006
Live performance, at Eslite Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.
January 18, 2006
Marc Behrens, Tobias Schmitt, at «raum für kultur» der Dresdner Bank, Gallileo-Hochhaus, Gallusanlage 7, Frankfurt am Main. Organized by the Frankfurt Association for Contemporary Music (FGNM).
December 7, 2005
Marc Behrens, live at Sonikas III, Festival Internacional de Música Experimental de Vallecas, Madrid (Vallecas), Spain.
November 27, 2005
Paulo Raposo & Marc Behrens, live at CON-T-MPO (Contemporary Music Week of Girona), Girona (Catalunya), Spain.
November 18, 2005
Marc Behrens: UNTITLED SONG featured in the acousmatic DEGEM members concert, at Fürstenhaus, Platz der Demokratie, Weimar, Germany (free admission).
October 29, 2005
Marc Behrens, live at Kulturbunker Mülheim, Cologne, Germany. In the course of «Kölner Musiknacht».
October 22, 2005
Marc Behrens, ENTITY MÜLHEIM, installation. Opening October 22, 18:00, at Kulturbunker Mülheim, Cologne, Germany. In the course of «Mülheim klingt». Open Tue–Fri 12:00–17:00, and November 5–6 during «Kölner Museumsnacht».
October 22 – November 06, 2005
Solo performance Marc Behrens, at Luxy, Taipei, Taiwan.
September 25, 2005
Marc Behrens - TOKYO CIRCLE, installation, at B!AS 2 Sound Art exhibition, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan.
September 24 – November 20, 2005
Marc Behrens and Paulo Raposo, at ICMC2005 (International Computer Music Conferences), duo performance in the OFF-ICMC section, at Metronóm, C. Fusina, Barcelona, Spain.
September 8, 2005
Marc Behrens Photographic Works: Trees, featured in toward a Future Art, online exhibition, opening at Durham Art Gallery, Canada, during the course of «The Fabulous Festival of Fringe Film» gala.
August 25, 2005
Marc Behrens: ARCHITECTURAL COMMENTARIES, radio programme (repeat), on Framework @ resonance104.4fm.
July 20, 2005
Behrens/Heyduck: video presentation + live sound, Metropolis Kino, Hamburg/Germany.
July 16, 2005
Behrens/Heyduck: PLASTIC METAL, live performance, featured in «HyperKult 14», Rechenzentrum der Universität Lüneburg, Scharnhorststr. 1, Gebäude 7, Lüneburg/Germany.
July 15, 2005
Marc Behrens: lecture «Psychotopography and other Motivations in Art» (June 1, 16:30–18:30), live performance ARCHITECTURAL COMMENTARIES AND UNTITLED SONGS + video presentation (June 2, 20:00). Featured in the Musrara Mix festival, The Musrara School of Photography, Media & New Music, Jerusalem. IL.
June 1–2, 2005
Marc Behrens live (and video presentation), at Passos Manuel, Rua Passos Manuel 137, 4000 385 Porto, PT.
April 7, 2005
João Pinto, Paulo Raposo, Marc Behrens live, at ZDB, Rua da Barroca 59, Bairro Alto, 1200 - Lisboa, PT.
March 31, 2005
Marc Behrens (micro-) Giro d'Italia, at XS [n.o.s.a.] Galleria d'Arti, Palermo, IT.
March 5, 2005
Marc Behrens (micro-) Giro d'Italia, private concert at Cava, Catanzaro, IT.
March 2, 2005
Marc Behrens (micro-) Giro d'Italia, at Raum, Via Ca' Selvatica 4/d, Bologna, IT.
February 24, 2005
Marc Behrens and DJ Zipo, at atelierfrankfurt/Hohenstaufenstr. 27, Frankfurt am Main, D.
February 13, 2005
Marc Behrens and DJ Zipo, at Sibirische Zelle, Naugarder Str. 14, Berlin, D.
February 12, 2005
Marc Behrens and DJ Zipo, at Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Karl-Tauchnitz-Straße 11, Leipzig, D.
February 11, 2005
Marc Behrens and DJ Zipo, at Space—Galéria Priestor for Contemporary Arts, Somolickeho 1/B, Bratislava, SK (supported by the Goethe-Institut Bratislava).
February 9, 2005
Marc Behrens VIDEO WORKS, exhibition at Space—Galéria Priestor for Contemporary Arts, Somolickeho 1/B, Bratislava, SK.
February 2005
Marc Behrens and DJ Zipo, at Fluc, Praterstern, Vienna, A.
February 8, 2005
Marc Behrens and DJ Zipo, at Sue Ellen Bar, Galerie Dynamo, Wasserwerkstr. 21, Zürich, CH.
February 6, 2005
Marc Behrens and DJ Zipo, at Cave 12, 12 Bd de la Tour, Genéve, CH.
February 4, 2005
Marc Behrens, Pe Lang and DJ Zipo, at Kunstraum Walcheturm, Kanonengasse 20, Zürich, CH.
February 3, 2005
A lecture on BODY MODIFICATION / KÖRPERDESIGN, in the course of the interdisciplinary project «Weltbilder», at Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst (Academy of Visual Arts) Leipzig, D.
December 7, 2004
The video OF MOUTHS AND EXPLOSIONS in the program of Hertzoscópio, Experimental & Trans-Disciplinary Arts Festival, Lisbon, PT.
November 24–27, 2004
ARCHITECTURAL COMMENTARIES in 'Framework' broadcast at ResonanceFM radio, London, U.K.
«Framework» writes: our next edition, coming up this friday, is the next in our *framework:focus *series, focusing this time on *marc* *behrens*' */architectural/* */commentaries/* series of compositions – we will be exploring the compositions, their source recordings, and getting some insight into them from the artist himself. the broadcast will finish with the world premiere of */architectural commentaries 5 (some models for resonant behaviour)/*, composed entirely from sounds of the resonancefm studios themselves!
November 19, 2004
Sound installation THE UNKNOWN at «Observatori 04» Festival, Museo de las Ciencias, Valencia, Spain.
October 8 – 10, 2004
Marc Behrens live and video screening at Hörbar (B-Movie), Brigittenstraße 5, Hamburg, D.
September 24, 2004
Tobias Schmitt & Marc Behrens at RadioX, Frankfurt a.M.
August 8, 2004
Marc Behrens: new sound (and maybe video) stuff at «WIKI institute program», at Tanzhaus West, Frankfurt a.M./Germany.
July 21, 2004
Video screening of COLLATERAL GENERATOR OF FORMS [chapters 1 + 2]. At the conference «urban fiction», Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Campus Westend, Casino. Short introduction by the artist: July 14, 15:00.
July 14–17, 2004
Presentation of the video work OF MOUTHS AND EXPLOSIONS as product of the residency at Hull Time Based Arts. At Live Art Space, Ferens Art Gallery, Hull U.K. Organized by exStream.
June 21 through June 24, 2004
Informal presentation of work and workshop at Withernsea, East Yorkshire, U.K.
June 13, 2004
Marc Behrens is an artist-in-residence at Hull Time Based Arts, Hull, U.K.
Mid-May through End of June, 2004
Behrens/Heyduck: MATERIAL PERFORMANCES (METAL) pt.2, live performance featured in the Festival «Tage für Neue Musik», Akademie für Tonkunst Darmstadt, Ludwigshöhstraße 120, Darmstadt, Germany.
February 18, 2004
Marc Behrens, live performance, Aniki Bóbó, Porto, Portugal. Organized by Crónica.
February 12, 2004
Marc Behrens & Paulo Raposo + Miguel Carvalhais & Pedro Tudela, live performances at release event of FURTHER CONSEQUENCES OF REINTERPRETATION by Paulo Raposo & Marc Behrens, Zé Dos Bois, Lisboa, Portugal. Organized by Crónica.
February 8, 2004
Marc Behrens & Paulo Raposo + Miguel Carvalhais & Pedro Tudela + Return, live performances at release event of FURTHER CONSEQUENCES OF REINTERPRETATION by Paulo Raposo & Marc Behrens, Rivoli, Porto, Portugal. Organized by Crónica.
February 6, 2004
Marc Behrens, Augst/Knüppel/Schmitt, live performances at Scala, Theaterhaus, Schützenstraße 12, Frankfurt/M, Germany. First part of the new concert series e-lab.
February 2, 2004
DJ Zipo & Marc Behrens play records, Asmus Tietchens plays live. Kulturbunker Mülheim e.V., Berliner Str. 20, 51063 Köln/D. Organized by Auf Abwegen.
December 20, 2003
Marc Behrens plays his favorite folk songs (from Hellas, Makedonia, Srbija, Magyaroszág, România, Afghanistan, and others...). Tune in if you can. Auto-bootlegged CD-R available in a very limited quantity.
Elektropensturm @ Radio X, Frankfurt local radio.
December 4, 2003
Marc Behrens – live performance, installation THE UNKNOWN Oct 1–4, a sound workshop Oct 2–3, featured in Electrograph 03 Festival, at Bios, Pireos 84, Athens, Greece.
October 3, 2003
Alessandro Fogar and Marc Behrens, «Correnti sonore», two audio performances and two installations (Fogar: «Surface Study #2 – Streams», Behrens: THE UNKNOWN), Centro Europeo Arti e Comunicazioni contemporanee "Luigi Ceschia", Via Julia 11, Tarcento (Ud), Italy. Open 17.00–23.00, performances September 27, 21.00.
September 27 and 28, 2003
Paulo Raposo/M. Behrens/Jeremy Bernstein, POST-ARCHITECTURAL COMMENTARIES, live performance at «Co-Lab» Festival, Teatro Nacional Carlos Alberto, Porto, Portugal, starting at 21.30.
September 20, 2003
A new steady exhibit at M. BEHRENS: PHOTOGRAPHIC WORKS
We are very proud to present a series of photographs by M. Behrens, perhaps best known for his sound works (among them, Elapsed Time, Integraçao and Architectural Commentaries), installations and visual designs. His photographs, alluring explorations of both natural and man-made locations and events, have been featured on the covers of many of his releases, however many of the photographs presented here are being shown for the first time. The photographs are also available for purchase in high quality, limited edition prints directly from the artist.
possibly timeless
Nikolaus Heyduck and Marc Behrens: PIOGGIA DI TOPOLÒ/TOPOLOVSKI DAZ, sound installation at Stazione di Topolò – Postaja Topolove art event, Topolò, Grimacco (UD), Italy. A duo concert will take place on Sat July 5, during sundown.
July 5 – July 20, 2003
«Sonic Process», Thomas Köner / Achim Wollscheid / Marc Behrens – performances at the Lutheran School, Ramallah, Palestinian Territories. Organized by the Goethe-Institut Inter Nationes Ramallah.
June 14, 2003
«Sonic Process», Thomas Köner / Achim Wollscheid / Marc Behrens / Eran Sachs / Arik Hayut – performances at Tmuna Theatre, Soncino St. 8, Tel Aviv, Israel. Organized by the Goethe-Institut Inter Nationes Tel Aviv.
June 11 and 13, 2003
Stephen Fenton / Marc Behrens FOTO- UND VIDEOARBEITEN, Galerie Station im Mousonturm, Waldschmidtstr. 4, Frankfurt a. M. Opening Wed May 7, 20:00 (with DJ Zipo/Auf Abwegen). Curated by W.E. Baumann.
The two artists – whose visual subjects feature forest structures, antennas for mobile communication, cloud and light phenomena as well as condensation trails – know each other via email since 1999 by the occasion of a purchase of a CD. 2001 Fenton published a CD album by Behrens on his label e d i t i o n . . . During the examination of the cover design Fenton reacted enthusiastically, because it stroke him immediately that Behrens’ photographs were similar to his own ones. Whereupon Behrens proposed to make an exhibition together somewhere sometime. In Chicago 2002 they missed each other by several days, because Fenton was on his way to Tokyo, and Behrens couldn’t return earlier from Valencia. It’s great that they can now meet in Frankfurt.
May 7– June 15, 2003
Paulo Raposo, M. Behrens: audio duel, at Goethe Institut Inter Naciones Lisboa, Campo dos Mártires da Pátria 37, 1169-016 Lisboa, Portugal (organized by CEM and Granular, with support from the Goethe Institut Inter Naciones).
March 21, 2003
Marc Behrens – lecture, video presentation, at CEM – Centro em Movimento, Praça da Alegria 27, Lisboa, Portugal (organizied by CEM and granular, with support from the Goethe Institut Inter Naciones).
March 20, 2003
«Postaja Topolove–Stazione Topolò (Una Storia di Confine)», lecture by Donatella Ruttar, Moreno Miorelli, Gaetano Ricci, M. Cremonese, Marc Behrens (BODY MODIFICATION), in the lecture series «Metamorfosi del Corpo», I.S.A. Istituto Statale d'Arte Vittorio Veneto TV, Via Cavour, 5, Vittorio Veneto TV, Italy.
March 7, 2003
Marc Behrens – lecture BODY MODIFICATION, congress: «Aus Leibeslust – Körperkultur im Wandel», Evangelische Akademie Arnoldshain, Martin-Niemöller-Haus, 61389 Schmitten, Germany. Reservation by phone necessary.
March 1, 2003
Marc Behrens – live at trudi.sozial, Oppenheimer Str. 34a, Frankfurt/M., Germany.
February 23, 2003
Concert Richard Chartier, Bernhard Günter, Marc Behrens. Kulturbunker Mülheim e.V., Berliner Str. 20, 51063 Köln/D. Organized by Auf Abwegen.
February 6, 2003
Marc Behrens: a concert event and video screening (COLLATERAL GENERATOR OF FORMS chapter 1) at Lampo, 6ODUM, 2116 W Chicago Ave., Chicago, Ill., U.S.A. In cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Inter Nationes.
November 9, 2002
Marc Behrens: a concert at Observatori Art Festival in Valencia, Spain, at MUVIM (Museo Valenciano de la Ilustracion y la Modernidad), C/Gillem de Castro N°8.
November 1, 2002
A presentation of the videos NINE ZONES, SOURCE FEEDBACK and SUMMATION 0.2 at the festival Stazione di Topolò–Postaja Topolove, Topolò, Italy, July 13. Please note that unfortunately Marc Behrens will not be present at the occasion.
July 13, 2002
A duo performance with Nikolaus Heyduck MATERIAL PERFORMANCE [METAL] at Darmstädter Ziegelhütte, Kranichsteiner Straße 110, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany. Featured in the exhibition «Raumkonstruktionen in Stahl und Eisen», organised by Darmstaedter Sezession.
June 8, 2002
A sound installation called ENTITY K, featured in the exhibition «Zwei Frankfurter Künstler» at Schmuckmanufaktur Kneist, Magdalenenstr. 29, 64289 Darmstadt, Germany.
opening June 1, 2002
through August 3, 2002
A concert at Goldfinger, Münchener Str. 9, Frankfurt a.M., Germany.
May 26, 2002
A concert as Schmitt/Behrens (together with Tobias Schmitt) at Tattersall, Wiesbaden, Germany. Along with Mr. Natural and The Haters.
May 3, 2002
A concert with the very noise of the P.A. system and some microphones. etwas fehlt, u68/dgb/untermainkai 68, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
April 1, 2002
«Berlin meets...»: videos, the installation THE UNKNOWN, and concert along with «Defekt» at Podewil, Klosterstr. 68–70, 10179 Berlin, Germany.
March 27, 2002
«LOOX 11», Marc Behrens: TENYEARSOFART. Videos, talk, and the installation THE UNKNOWN, at Wacker Kunst, Ober-Ramstädter-Straße 96, 64367 Mühltal, Germany.
March 14, 2002
Live sound event at Schirn Kunsthalle, Römerberg, 60316 Frankfurt, Germany, together with Achim Wollscheid. Disinformation is also scheduled for the same evening. Featured in the show «Frequenzen».
March 7, 2002
Live concerts by Marc Behrens, Marc Behrens/Suspicion Breeds Confidence, Suspicion Breeds Confidence, Yoshio Machida. Presented by auf abwegen. Cuba, Achtermannstr. 12, Münster, Germany.
February 5, 2002
Video works by M. Behrens, at MAMU Gallery H-1071 Budapest, Damjanich utca 39. SOURCE FEEDBACK (digitally re-edited version) and SUMMATION 0.2 will be shown.
December 10, 2001
A concert at the 8th «Pause-Sign International Experimental Music Festival» [Szünetjel Festival] in Budapest. MU Theatre, H-1117 Budapest, Korosy Jozsef u. 17.
December 8, 2001
The installation THE UNKNOWN for the exhibition «Sound in Art» in Bratislava, at Galéria Priestor for Contemporary Arts, Somolického 1/B, 811 05 Bratislava, Slovak Republic.
December 7–16, 2001
Concert December 7, 2001
M. Behrens solo concert at Tattersall, Saalgasse 36, 65183 Wiesbaden. November 7, 2001, 20.00. Also featured: Mr. Natural (USA), MSBR (JP), Guilty Connector. Organized by Artware.
November 7, 2001
M. Behrens solo concert at U68/DGB, Untermainkai 68, Frankfurt/Main (entrance in courtyard). Organized by "Etwas fehlt". November 5, 2001, entrance 20.00, concert 21.00.
November 5, 2001
A performance together with Nikolaus Heyduck, featured in the festival: «12 Stunden (Abschied)», Kunst.Verladehalle, Bahnhofsplatz 10, 65428 Rüsselsheim, Germany.
October 27, 2001
Please note: the M. BEHRENS USA/CANADA TOUR has been CANCELLED due to recent developments in global politics. We will try to reschedule the planned events for spring 2002.
NOT September–October, 2001
In collaboration with the Goethe Institute Rome the Associazione Culturale V.O.C.I. presents a concert by Marc Behrens at Goethe Institut Rom, Via Savoia, 15, Roma, Italy.
May 4, 2001
«Cases & Places», BUETTNER & HEYDUCK fine experiments, featuring M. Behrens, at the «Intermediale» performance festival, TiC Studiobühne, Spritzengasse 2, 55116 Mainz, Germany. Tickets at Vorverkaufskasse Staatstheater Mainz.
March 31, 2001
Marc Behrens: a concert at «extrasensory sound art event 4». Featuring also CM von Hausswolff, duul_drv, Jliat, Audio Research Editions, and others. Concert takes place at 291 Gallery, 291 Hackney Road, London E2, UK. Festival starts at noon, concerts at 7pm. Free entrance (until 6pm), £5 / £4 (thereafter).
March 15, 2001
A concert, together with Thomas Lehn at the Museu de la Universitat d'Alacant (Museum of Alicante University), Ctra. Sant Vicenç Raspeig s/n 03690 Sant Vicenç Raspeig, Alicante, Spain, featured in the «Ciclo de conciertos de música experimental».
January 19, 2001
A concert, together with Thomas Lehn, at the Fundació Rafael Tous d'Art Contemporani (Foundation of Contemporary Art Rafael Tous), featured in the Festival 'Música a Metrònom', January 16th-20th, C.Fusina 9, 08003 Barcelona, Spain. Free entrance.
January 18, 2001
Marc Behrens: a concert at the Hörbar, B-Movie, Brigittenstr. 15, Hamburg, Germany. Featured, among many others (such as Klangkrieg, Asmus Tietchens), in the Ausklang-Festival.
December 28, 2000
Marc Behrens – Listening pieces at Galerie t-u-b-e, Einsteinstr. 42, 81667 München, Germany. Sponsored by the City of Munich, Kulturreferat. The artist Marc Behrens was showing the installation TOKYO CIRCLE at the gallery t-u-b-e in October. Now three listening programs will be presented, compiled by Behrens himself. Accompanying the presentations there will be a program sheet with the artist's comments.
Friday, 17. November 2000 and Monday, 20. November 2000, 20:30 hrs
SCENES FOR CONTRACTION, parts 1-5, [1999]
SCRUTTO [1997-99]
Saturday, 18. November 2000 and Tuesday, 21. November 2000, 20:30 hrs
Marc Behrens – Listening pieces
KOSOVSKA REKVIA Kosovo Requiem [1999]  
Sunday, 19. November 2000 and Wednesday, 22. November 2000, 20:30 hrs
Marc Behrens – Listening pieces
quersumme RLW [1996]
ccdeinnorsttu [1997]
TWO ZONES [1999]
November 17–22, 2000
A concert of electroacoustic music with sounds made from plastic objects by Nikolaus Heyduck and M. Behrens at Wacker Galerie, Wacker Kunst, Ober-Ramstädter-Straße 96, 64367 Mühltal, Germany.
November 10, 2000
Presentation of TOKYO CIRCLE at Erlanger Hoerkunstfestival, Erlangen, Germany, in the entrance hall of the Markgrafentheater.
November 3–5, 2000
Presentation of the installation TOKYO CIRCLE at Galerie t-u-b-e, Munich, Germany. Opening October 26., 20.00 h. Located at the Einstein Kulturzentrum, Einsteinstr. 42, 81667 München. Sponsored by the City of Munich, Kulturreferat.
October 26–31, 2000
Concert of electroacoustic music by M. Behrens and Juanjo Fernández and voice with electronics by Miroslaw Rajkowski at Kapelica Galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenija. There is also a performance by Reni Hofmueller, and a collaboration of Fenández, Rajkowski and Behrens. Part of the hEXPO festival.
August 22, 2000
Marc Behrens will be participating in the hEXPO International Festival of Self-Organised Forms (Ljubljana-Maribor-Koper, Slovenia).
August–September 2000
The installation TOKYO CIRCLE will be shown during the festival «Hörgänge» [sound walks] in Völksen, Germany. Info: Hermannshof eV., Röse 27, 31832 Völksen am Deister, Germany. Extended through the «Künstlertage» festival.
July 29–August 13, 2000
Opening July 29, 2000
A performance entitled INTEGRATION at the festival «Stazione di Topolò/Postaja Topolove» [Topolo station], Topolo, Italy.
July 9, 2000
A sound environment during an evening of video, performance and reading by different artists entitled «Gastspiel» at Kunsthalle Giessen, Berliner Platz 2, Giessen, Germany. Featured in the exhibition «Vier plus Eins».
June 3, 2000
Marc Behrens: a radio show at Radio X (Frankfurt local radio) on new japanese electronic experimental music, featuring works by: Nerve Net Noise, Tamaru, Akira Yamamichi, Nibo, I.D., Ryoji Ikeda, Jane Dowe, Mould + Matthew Thomas, Yukio Fujimoto, Nosei Sakata, Toshiya Tsunoda and others.
May 11, 2000
The installation TOKYO CIRCLE will be shown at the Institut fuer Neue Medien in Frankfurt, Germany.
April 27–April 30, 2000
opening April 26, 2000
A concert in Osaka at SUMISO (Kunst-haus), 2F Doutonbori Souko, 1-17-7 Minamihorie, Nishiku, Osaka, Zip 550-0015, Japan.
February 1, 2000
An installation called TOKYO CIRCLE for a group show entitled «Sound Art – Sound as Media» at ICC Intercommunication Center, Tokyo Opera City Tower 4F, 3-20-2 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. A concert at the ICC on the 30th of January.
January 28–March 12, 2000
concert January 30, 2000
A concert in Frankfurt, Germany at Buergertreff Gutleut, Rottweiler Strasse 32 (close to the main station), featured in the SKOP event «Computermusik».
December 17, 1999
EXPERIMENT IN SCALE, video and sound installation. kunst.verladehalle, k.vh, Bahnhofsplatz 10, 65428 Rüsselsheim, Germany. Featured in the events series «Projekt Medusa».
November 27–December 5, 2000
opening November 26, 1999
A concert with Francisco López at the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, 11 Avenue du President Wilson, 75016 Paris, France, Metro Alma Marceau.
October 12, 1999
A concert with Jürgen Eckloff and Francisco López at the Staalplaat Audio Galerie, Rosenthalerstr.39, Berlin, Germany.
September 17, 1999
A concert with Francisco López entitled «'silence» in the concert series entitled «New Forms» at Galerie für Zeitgenoessische Kunst, Karl-Tauchnitz-Str. 11, 04107 Leipzig, Germany.
September 16, 1999
Public presentation of KOSOVSKA REKVIA at the «Stazione di Topolò/Postaja Topolove» festival, Topolo, Italy.
July 14, 1999
A concert at Labor k3000, Schöneggstr. 5, 8004 Zürich, Switzerland at a trente oiseaux feature in Zürich, Switzerland. Bernhard Günter playing at the same location on the 17th. Both events start at 21:00h. Public transport from Zürich Hauptbahnhof: bus no. 31 to Militärstrasse.
April 16, 1999
A concert with Francisco López at Kunstverladehalle, Bahnhofsplatz 10, 65428 Rüsselsheim, Germany.
April 10, 1999
A concert with Roel Meelkop (Rotterdam, NL) at B-MOVIE, Brigittenstr.5, Hamburg, Germany.
February 26, 1999
SUMMATION 0.1 / KEYHOLES, a lecture and an installation at the INM–Institut für Neue Medien, Daimlerstr. 32, Frankfurt, Germany ( on February, 9th, 1999 (installation until February, 14th).
February 9–14, 1999
lecture February 9, 1999
L'ECO DI UN'ESPLOSIONE CHE NON HA MAI AVUTO LUOGO an installation by M.Behrens will be shown at the «Stazione di Topolò/Postaja Topolove» event in Topolò (IT).
July 4–20, 1998

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